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Step 1: Creating Script from IC Manager

Go to web UI -> business role -> IC_MANAGER - IC Manager -> Process Modelling-> Interactive Script Editor.

It takes sometime to load the page. It is build on Java Technology. There may be a need to install plugin and JRE 1.4. Also, browser security should be set to allow scripts to run this component.

Once after page has been loaded, Click on “New -> Script “ on the menu.

In “Script Properties” tab, give the Description and Script ID.

  • Create Script Chapters:

Script Chapters can be added and removed using the insert and delete button on the right side of the screen.

  • Create Questions:

Questions can be created by using Menu button “New -> Questions

  • Add the Button to the Question:

     Expand the Repository and expand “Answers” in the Repository. Standard Buttons exist, button can also be created using menu “ New ->      Button ” and give the ID and Label to the button.

     To add the Button, Button Area should be added to Question Screen. To do that, click on the “Add Button Area” on the top of the screen.

     From the Repository, click and Drag the Buttons Example: Yes”, “No” Buttons to the Button Area.

     Similarly, Checkbox, Dropdown List Box, Text Fields can be added to the Area. They need “Answer Area”. It can be added using “Add      Answer Area” button on the top of the Question Screen.

  • Creating Branching and Non-Branching Actions:

     Actions can be created using “New -> Action “ from the menu located at top of the screen.In “Action Properties” tab in the bottom of the      screen, give the Action ID. Select radio button to make action “Branching” or “Non-Branching”.

     Create the input, output parameters and also branching conditions. These parameters are handled in the class specified for the action      Example: “ZCL_CRM_IC_SCRIPT_ACTION_01”.Create this Z Class to implement the action by copying any standard action class      Example: “CL_CRM_IC_SCRIPT_ACT_BRANCH2”.

     This Z class shoould contain implemention of method from Interface:



     See the Standard for Set_processor( ). In Execute( ) method, write the logic for manipulating input and output parametres (IN_PARAMS,      OUT_PARAMS) and Branching code (BCODE).Example:
     METHOD if_crm_ic_script_action~execute .
  "Data Declaration 

     DATA : lv_dc                   TYPE REF TO     if_crm_ui_data_context,       

                  lv_bpartner        TYPE                    bapibus1006_head-bpartner,       

                  ls_address         TYPE                    bapibus1006_address,       

                  lt_return             TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2,       

                  ls_out_params   LIKE LINE OF      out_params.

  " Get the data context 

     lv_dc  = cl_crm_ui_data_context_srv=>get_instance( ). 

     CHECK lv_dc IS BOUND.
  " Get current customer/contact 


           lv_dc->get_entity_attribute_as_value(        EXPORTING path   = '//currentCustomer/BP_NUMBER'       

                                                                                      IMPORTING value = lv_bpartner      ).   

     CATCH cx_root.  ENDTRY.

  " Get address details of business partner 


     EXPORTING      businesspartner = lv_bpartner   

     IMPORTING      addressdata     = ls_address   

     TABLES      return          = lt_return.

  " Check for any errors, in case of error branch to "CONDTION_02"  " OR else fill the details for output parameters and branch to "CONDITION_01" 


IF sy-subrc = 0.   

     bcode = 'CONDITION_02'. 

    bcode = 'CONDITION_01'.
    ls_out_params-key_p = 'BP_ID'.    ls_out_params-value_p = lv_bpartner.    APPEND ls_out_params TO out_params.
    ls_out_params-key_p = 'CITY'.    ls_out_params-value_p = ls_address-city.    APPEND ls_out_params TO out_params.
    ls_out_params-key_p = 'PINCODE'.    ls_out_params-value_p = ls_address-postl_cod1.    APPEND ls_out_params TO out_params.


Based on the BCODE branching can be done similar to if-else statement.Output Parameters can be used to detail upcoming flow in the script.

  • Using Output Parameters in the Question:

Expand the Repository, expand Actions and Branching. The Action created for Branching can be seen. Expanding the Action reveals Output Parameters. Create a Question, Drag and drop the Output parameters of the Action to the Question Description Area. Example is shown in the screenshot.

  • Create the Mapping in Script Screen:

     Drag and Drop Question, Script, Actions required for the Script to run from the Repository to the Script Screen.

     Link and flow between these objects in the script screen can be created by clicking on the “Link” Button on the Top of the Screen. Click an      Object and Drag itto the next level flow object.If the Question has buttons or Action has Conditions, it will ask for the button/condition to be      choosed.  This specifies on the click of the button or on the condition of actionthe linked flow takes place.

     Select a Question/Action/Script. Specify the Starting Node by checking a check box in  “Node Properties” tab on the botton of the screen.      This node is going to be the starting node of the flow.

Step 2: Creating Script Profile and configuring IC

Go to SPRO -> SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Customer Relationship Management -> Interaction Center WebClient -> Define Script Profiles

In “Script Profiles” Dialog Structure, Create New Entry,

Give the Details for Script Profile.

Add the Script created in IC Manager to this profile.

Add Language to the Profile.


Go to SPRO -> SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Customer Relationship Management -> Interaction Center WebClient -> Define Business Role -> ( Select on the Interaction Center Business Role needed Example: IC_AGENT ) and double-click “Assign Funtion Profiles” in Dialog Structure.

Find the Function Profile ID “Script” and assign the Script Profile to it. Save it.

In IC_MANAGER , select the script and select “Script Profile” tab in the bottom of the screen and add the Script Profile.

Script is ready to run.

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