Hello Friends ! In this blog, I am writing an IMPEX which would create Media, Media container, Product and link the media to the product.
You can import this IMPEX in HAC(Hybris Administration Console) or you can load it through the Service layer logic.
IMPEX file:
# ImpEx for Importing Products and Media into Powertools Store
# Macros / Replacement Parameter definitions
$productCatalogName=Powertools Product Catalog
#Path where the images are present
$thumbnail=thumbnail(code, $catalogVersion)
$picture=picture(code, $catalogVersion)
$thumbnails=thumbnails(code, $catalogVersion)
$detail=detail(code, $catalogVersion)
$normal=normal(code, $catalogVersion)
$others=others(code, $catalogVersion)
$medias=medias(code, $catalogVersion)
$galleryImages=galleryImages(qualifier, $catalogVersion)
$supercategories=supercategories(code, $catalogVersion)
# Set product approval status to Approved only for those products that have prices.
# Language
#Create the medias
INSERT_UPDATE Media;mediaFormat(qualifier);code[unique=true];@media[translator=de.hybris.platform.impex.jalo.media.MediaDataTranslator];mime[default='image/jpg'];$catalogVersion;folder(qualifier)[default=images]
# Create the media containers
INSERT_UPDATE MediaContainer;qualifier[unique=true];medias(code);$catalogVersion
# Insert the Product
INSERT_UPDATE Product;code[unique=true];supercategories(code);manufacturerName;manufacturerAID;ean;variantType(code);unit(code)[default=pieces];name[lang=$lang];description[lang=$lang];summary[lang=$lang];$prices;$approved;$taxGroup;$catalogVersion
;Test_Pro;;test;;;;;TEST PRODUCT;TEST PRODUCT;;1 pieces = 1 USD N
#Link the product to the media container/medias
INSERT_UPDATE Product;code[unique=true];$picture;$thumbnail;$detail;$others;$normal;$thumbnails;$galleryImages;$catalogVersion
################## File End ##########################
Here, you need to paste your images into your Hybris extension project and mention the path where the images are pasted in the macro
1) Loading the impex thorugh HAC:
Login to HAC and go to Console->ImpEx Import.
Paste the impex file and Press on Validate content. This is to check whether your file is syntactically correct or not.
You need to get the message
"Import script is valid" as shown in above image. If not, then there might be some syntactical errors which need to be correct.
Once your file is error-free, click on
Import content button.
On successful import, you get the message as shown above.
Now your data is updated successfully. Let us verify in HMC as well as the storefront.
2) Verify in HMC.
Login to HMC and go to Catalog->Product.
Give the Product number and search.
The product is successfully created. Now cross-check if the Medias are created and linked.
All the medias, media container are fine and correctly linked to the product.
3) Verify in the storefront site.
Go to the storefront site and search for the product created. Here we see the product which we created using the impex is perfeclty rendered and the images are also coming fine.
So this was how we use IMPEX to create products, medias, media container and how we link them. In real time, we do not use HAC to load the impex. We do it through the service layer logic in our extension, this we will see in the upcoming blogs.
Hope this was blog was useful. Please do comment if any suggestions