How to find out Window name from Work center in SA...
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I am writing this blog to help SAP CRM technical consultant to find out how to fetch window name of work centers. This blog is just a part of my blog titled custom translation of fields in SAP CRM Webui.
Requirement is to find out window name of customer search work center once we login to our custom business role.
Go to business role through SPRO tcode...SPRO-SAP refernce IMG->CRM->UI framework->Business role ->Define Business Role
Select your custom business role and click on Work centers, we can see our work-center highlighted in yellow
Copy Work center and navigate to SPRO tcode...SPRO-SAP refernce IMG->CRM->UI framework-Technical Role Definition->Define Navigation Bar Profile .go to Define Work centers and find your work center which we got in previous step
Now copy Logicallink ID and go to define logical Links and find your logical link
Now go target ID, copy it and press F4 on Target ID field, below page will open
Now find your target ID as shown below
We can Component Name ,Window Name.
We can go to BSP_WD_CMPWB tcode and see our component and Window Name
Thus we learnt how to find out the window name of each and every work center on our navigation Bar. This will help us to make window related changes like changing title of window . In my next blog I will tell how to change title of various section of a window which includes multiple views/view sets.