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Hi all,

From the 1905 version the functionality for set up the activities duration value have been upgrade. In this version (C4C 2005) the possibilities are like mention in this post.

If you need to know how to change the default duration in these activities, please follow this post and let's learn together.

The blog are made for part:

Part One: What kind of activities duration you can modify

 Part two: How you can setup this activities duration.

 Part three: Demostration.

Let's start, souls at work!!!!


Part One: What kind of activities duration you can modify

You can define settings which will then be automatically used as defaults when you create documents of type:

      1.1- Date Variable for Sales- Sales Quote

1.1.1- Creation Date + Number of Days --> Days for dafaul 2 Days (s)

1.1.2- Requested Date = Creation Date + Number of Days --> Days for defaul 2 Days (s)

      1.2- Date Variable for Sales- Sales Orders

1.2.1- Lead Validity = Creation Date + Number of Days --> Days for defaul 1 Day(s)

      1.3- Date Variable for Sales- Leads

1.3.1- Appointment Duration = Start Date Time + Time in Minutes

     1.4- Date Variable for Sales- Opportunities

1.4.1- Creation Date + Number of Days --> Days for defaul 180 Days (s)

     1.5- Date Variable for Sales- Activities --> For all activities the days for defaul are 30 Minute(s)

1.5.1- Appointment Duration = Start Date Time + Time in Minutes

1.5.2- Phone Call Duration = Start Date Time + Time in Minutes

1.5.3- Task Duration = Start Date Time + Time in Minutes

1.5.4- Visit Duration = Start Date Time + Time in Minutes

      2.1- Date Variable for Service- Warranties

            2.1.1- Warranty Start = Warranty Reference Date + Number of Days --> Days for defaul 0 Day(s)                   

      2.2- Date Variable for Service- Service Requests

2.2.1- Response Time = Received on Date + Time in Hours --> Days for default 2 Hour(s)

2.2.2- Completion Time = Received on Date + Time in Hours--> Days for default 48 Hour(s)

Part two: How you can setup this activities duration.

To change the default duration for Activities you can follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Go to Business Configuration workcenter. (1)

  2. Go to Implementation projects view. (2)

  3. Select the project and click on 'Open Activity List'. (3 )

  4. Search for 'Date Profiles' activity. (4, 5, 6, 7)

  5. Under Activities for example 'Phone Call Duration = Start Date Time + Time in Minutes' change the duration as per your requirement. (8, 9)

  6. Save the changes. (10)





Part three: Demostration.

  1. Open the appointment and create a new activity and check the default time.


2. Change the appointment duration to 120 Min.

    3. Check the update in the appointment when you create a new activity.


That´s all.... Here I share the Link for the Sales Guide for more details:  SAP Cloud for Customer- Sales


Best regard!

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