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Hi all:

Coming soon we are have the new C4C upgrade in our systems.
Maybe you need to know how is management the upgrade process for C4C in the test/QA and production tenant. In this document I share with you the Timeline, Testing and Restrictions and some impact to be considered.

The topics covered in this blog are divided in four topic mentioned as follow.

  1. Timeline: Upgrade Schedule - SAP Cloud for Customer

  2. One optional Test Period

  3. Restrictions

  4. Some impact to be considered


  1. Timeline: Upgrade Schedule - SAP Cloud for Customer

The calendar for the new 2005 version is shown in the following image.
These upgrade are made 4 times a year and are always happend in the months of February (AA02), May (AA05), August (AA08), and November (AA11). In this time we are talk about the release 2005. Note the letters AA means year of the upgrade and the two second number are refert to the month.


  2. One optional Test Period

SAP provides an optional trial period for all customers. This period is 10 days and customers can test and report incidents. The important thing is describe in detail the issue as well as the business impact and is strong recommend that the incident short text starts with “Upgrade”.

SAP receives the incident at the latest on Wednesday 11:00 pm, before your productive upgrade weekend.

3. Restriction to be considered

    • All previously requested restore points can still be used for a restore after the productive upgrade.

    • Business Configuration is possible at any time in both test and productive tenant but without data transfer between the tenants.

    • No merge back for Change Projects possible while test tenants are upgraded and production tenants are not

  4. Some impacts to be considered

    • System provisioning impacts

      • Do not terminate neither your test nor productive system during the time between test and productive upgrade

      • § System copies cannot be processed, neither full copies (clones) nor copies of a solution profile.

      • System copies between systems of different release versions cannot be set up. Test systems are upgraded prior
        to productive systems and are therefore on a higher version than the related productive system.

      • Only empty test and productive systems or copies between test systems can be provided.

    • Go-Live and PDI solution development impacts

      • Do not deploy customer-specific solutions (PDI add-ons) from the test/development system to the
        productive system during the upgrade phase.

      • Do not plan a productive data transfer (data migration) during the productive system upgrade weekend.

      • Do not merge your business configuration changes (change projects) back to your productive system
        during the phase while test systems are upgraded, and productive systems are not.

      • Do not perform Go-Live scenarios between the times of your test and productive upgrade.


The information source is present by SAP in this link. Wiki General Upgrade Information C4C

I hope the information was useful and be shared with your customers for reduce the impacts in the upgrades.

Plus, do you want to know what is coming soon in the 2005 release? Follow this link: SAP Cloud for Customer 2005 Release Briefing


Best regard!

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