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We are running a CRM - C4C integration scenario and recently had a problem with a mass batch update of business partners. In particular it was necessary to know which business partner IDocs have not been processed succesfully to C4C.

Since the business partner number is an attribute of an underlying segment it is (a bit) cumbersome to open each IDoc manually and navigate to the correct segment in order to get to the business partner number.

We stumbled across a neat function how to display in a flat table a choosen segment of an IDoc:

Open Transaction WE02

Go to transaction WE02 and select your IDocs (e.g. by IDoc-Type, status, etc.)

Find out your relevant segment

Open one of your IDocs and get to the attribute you would like to have in a list. In our case we're interested in getting the attributes from the segment E101CRMXIF_PARTNER_KEYS.

List specific segment

Go back to the IDoc List and choose the option "List specific segment" or press SHIFT+F1.

Select the segment you would like to see.

Et voilà, you get a list of the segment attributes of your selected IDocs. By double clicking on an entry you get to the IDoc detail view.

You can do this with any segment of your IDoc. Do you know an even smarter way to get there? Feel free to add it in the comment section.
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