Main purpose of this article is to share the experience gained in implementing custom solution in the area of SAP CRM Email response management system (ERMS).
Please note that this document does not cover all the steps involved to implement the ERMS, moreover it should be used in extension to the detailed implementation steps covered in the below articles.
Standard behavior: In the email Inbox functionality, sender email Ids are linked to the email profile, which in turn is linked to the function profile used in the business role
Problem statement: In case of muti country rollout of the implemented solution, each country has it own service team structure with their own outgoing email address as nature of function for each team is different. Only one business role was used across the countries, so there was possibility to link only one email profile which inturn was linked to function profile linked to the business role.
When IC agent uses outgoing mail functionality in the sender email address drop down all the possible email ids were appearing and was totally confusing to the user.
Solution implemented as follows:
- Create Service team wise outgoing email address group. Assign outgoing email addresses to outgoing email address group.
- Create service team wise “email profile” and assign corresponding outgoing email address group to email profile.
- Create a new attribute “Email profile” (T code OOATTRCUST) with scenario Service and type O
- This newly created attribute is assigned in Org structure at each service team level
- Assign the corresponding email profile values to the attribute email profile at each service team level in the organization structure.
Normally when user log in to the system and select the business role, email profile is defaulted from the function profile assigned to the business role. It was required to implement one implicit enhancement to dynamically change the email profile which is assigned as attribute value at organization structure based on the logged on org unit of the user.
In order to achieve the same following enhancements were implemented.
After this implementation, when user would log in with the business role they would be able to see only the relevant outgoing email based on their assignment in Org Model.