The aim of this blog is to derive the planned cost determination from SAP ECC module to SAP CRM module for spare part items which are mainly used in the SAP CRM Service module during service order creations. While I looked up and read about the planned cost in SAP CRM module not much has been written on the planned cost determination, leaving one good post which I have mentioned below. This blog will go one step ahead and explain in detail the derivation of planned cost in SAP CRM module from SAP ECC Module. Planned costs are always useful to check the variances with actual cost in the internal order cost settlement in SAP ECC for service orders which are created in SAP CRM. This scenario works for the SAP CRM On-premise solution.
Overview of Integrations:
The planned cost needs to be maintained in the material master first in SAP ECC under the accounting 1 tab as highlighted below in the screen shot.

On the SAP CRM side ensure that the condition type EK01(Actual Cost) is maintained in the pricing procedure for the relevant service documents. Ensure that the condition type EK01 condition type is marked statistical and the sub total for the same can be marked between 1 to 6 as it needs to flow into controlling in the internal order for cost settlements.

Implement the Business Addin in SAP CRM Module which is PRC_DATA_SOURCES_BADI along with its interface IF_PRC_DATA_SOURCES_BADI. SAP Note 2339706 provided more insights on the implementation of the note. The key highlights of how the Planned Cost determination takes place in SAP CRM is explained below in the note
- 1-First, It looks for the Service Organization determined in the Organizational data of the transaction. Then it finds the Plant that is mapped to that Service Organization. Then it looks for the cost maintained for the Material in the Plant determined.
- 2- Second, If there is no Service Organization maintained, then it looks for the Partners determined in the Transaction, searches for the Partner i.e. determined for Partner function category Vendor. Thus it finds the Plant determined for the item in the Transaction & then looks up for the costs maintained in Material master.
Post Implementing the Business Addin in SAP CRM. The planned cost can then be seen for the spare part item in the service document like service orders or service order quotes as shown below.

I hope that this blog post gave you some real time insights of derivation of planned costs from SAP ECC module to SAP CRM module.
I would be more than happy if you provide your comments, feedback, questions or requests with regards to my blog written above. Stay tuned for more blog posts from my side with regards to the next step of providing this planned cost from SAP CRM to the internal order in SAP ECC.
Best Regards
Atul Keshav
SAP S/4 Hana Sales & SAP C4C Service Cloud(Certified)