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Active Contributor
Hi everyone,

Are you developing against any of SAP Cloud for Customer’s SOAP inbound endpoints with SOAPUI? Are those asynchronous endpoints? Then you know the feeling when you encounter this message:
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">
<faultstring xml:lang="en">Web service processing error; more details in the web service error log on provider side
(UTC timestamp 20180723070831; Transaction ID 00163E62DDE81EE8A3C8E6A1EFF2DB89)</faultstring>

On top of that C4C’s web service monitor shows no message error. So it is basically impossible to develop a request like that.

But worry no more, I am going to share a secret with you today. You need to alter your request URL in SOAPUI slightly and watch the magic unravel.


Just replace the URL parameter “sap-vhost=<serverId>” with “MessageId=${=java.util.UUID.randomUUID()}” and you are good to go. Your request-responses however won’t show up on SOAPUI anymore since they are asynchronous. But C4C’s web service monitor will finally tell you if there is something wrong with your payload.

Actually there are several other blog posts that tell you about the solution but not in the context of the error message I provided earlier. Have a look here for example:

Once you know where to look it is obvious 😄 I hope this gets you up to speed with C4C’s asynchronous services.

Do you have any more SOAPUI tweaks to share? I’d love to hear about them.


Until next time – Thanks

Active Participant
0 Kudos
Great article Martin. Thanks for sharing 🙂
0 Kudos
thank you so much. Saved me from going crazy
Active Contributor

Brilliant! ? Thanks a lot!

BTW. It seems that error text is limited to 128 characters which is so much SAP…

0 Kudos
Hello Martin,

This tip helps to find the exact error. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this in a blog.

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