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I started with an idea to create an interactive way to make SAP CRM fun and interesting end up creating a SAP CRM quiz.
To create a quiz I wanted radio buttons and images as an option on screen to create a question format for the user.

I followed following steps for achieving the task.

I created the radio button as a group and used the following tags to assign it to a group:

<thtmlb:radioButtonGroup id="Radio" >

The radio button would now be assigned to one group so only one option could be clicked a time.

The image had to be changed with each question and similarly the question also needed to be dynamic.

To make the pictures dynamic, I created a public static variable and declared in the implementation class. Then, I implemented the following code in the .htm page
  <thtmlb:image src    = "<%= controller->gv_url2 %>"

Now the pictures will be picked dynamically based on the value of public static variable gv_url.

Now to identify the question at each iteration I also created a global counter that would increment after every question.

GV_COUNTER	Static Attribute	Public	Type	NUM02

Now same will be followed for each question and image URL. So I created global static variable for each question and image URL.

To record the responses, I created an event handler for each of the radio button, that would record the response of each option clicked by user.
method EH_ONRADIO1.
gv_resp1 = 'X'.

The response will then be handled on the submit handler for the submit button.

The following code will be written for submit button
  DATA: zv_msg_srv  TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_message_service,
lv_flag VALUE 'FALSE' TYPE boolean.
CONSTANTS : c_msgtype VALUE 'I' TYPE symsgty,
c_msg_id VALUE 'ZFUN' TYPE symsgid,
c_correct_msg VALUE '004' TYPE symsgno,
c_wrong_msg VALUE '005' TYPE symsgno.

CLEAR : zv_msg_srv,lv_flag.

zv_msg_srv = cl_bsp_wd_message_service=>get_instance( ).

CHECK zv_msg_srv IS BOUND.

CASE gv_counter.

IF gv_resp2 = 'X'.
lv_flag = 'X'.


IF gv_resp4 = 'X'.
lv_flag = 'X'.

IF gv_resp3 = 'X'.
lv_flag = 'X'.

IF gv_resp1 = 'X'.
lv_flag = 'X'.

IF gv_resp1 = 'X'.
lv_flag = 'X'.

IF gv_resp3 = 'X'.
lv_flag = 'X'.


IF gv_counter <= 5.
IF lv_flag = 'X' .
*---Right Answer-----*
CALL METHOD zv_msg_srv->add_message
iv_msg_type = c_msgtype
iv_msg_id = c_msg_id
iv_msg_number = c_correct_msg.


*---Wrong Answer-----*
CALL METHOD zv_msg_srv->add_message
iv_msg_type = c_msgtype
iv_msg_id = c_msg_id
iv_msg_number = c_wrong_msg.


CLEAR: gv_resp1, gv_resp2, gv_resp3, gv_resp4.
gv_counter = gv_counter + 1.

I also implemented message handling for the message being displayed for correct and wrong response.

Now to change the values dynamically, I implemented the following code in do prepare output.


 CASE gv_counter.
gv_question = ' Identify the Apple LOGO '.
gv_url1 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/logo.bmp'.
gv_url2 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/apple.bmp'.
gv_url3 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/microsoft.bmp'.
gv_url4 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/yahoo.bmp'.

when 1.
gv_question = 'Identify button in web UI'.
gv_url1 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/checkbox.bmp'.
gv_url2 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/input_area.bmp'.
gv_url3 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/radio.bmp'.
gv_url4 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/button.bmp'.

when 2.
gv_question = 'Identify the Radio button in web UI'.
gv_url1 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/dropdown.bmp'.
gv_url2 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/checkbox.bmp'.
gv_url3 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/radio.bmp'.
gv_url4 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/button.bmp'.

when 3.
gv_question = 'Identify the Checkbox in web UI'.
gv_url1 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/checkbox.bmp'.
gv_url2 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/dropdown.bmp'.
gv_url3 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/input_area.bmp'.
gv_url4 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/button.bmp'.

when 4.
gv_question = 'Identify the Dropdown field below'.
gv_url1 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/dropdown.bmp'.
gv_url2 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/checkbox.bmp'.
gv_url3 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/radio.bmp'.
gv_url4 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/button.bmp'.

when 5.
gv_question = 'Identify the Radio button in web UI'.
gv_url1 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/dropdown.bmp'.
gv_url2 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/checkbox.bmp'.
gv_url3 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/radio.bmp'.
gv_url4 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/button.bmp'.

when 6.
gv_question = 'Identify the Radio button in web UI'.
gv_url1 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/dropdown.bmp'.
gv_url2 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/checkbox.bmp'.
gv_url3 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/radio.bmp'.
gv_url4 = '/SAP/BC/BSP/SAP/ZCRM_FUNBOX/button.bmp'.


The value of each question and image will be changed based on a global counter( gv_counter ).

Finally, I implemented the code for the htm page to hadle the layout of the view.

<%@page language="abap" %>
<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
<%@extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb" %>
<%@extension name="crm_bsp_ic" prefix="crmic" %>
<%@extension name="thtmlb" prefix="thtmlb" %>
<%@extension name="chtmlb" prefix="chtmlb" %>
<%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %>
<chtmlb:config mode = "RUNTIME"
displayMode = "TRUE"
xml = "<%= controller->configuration_descr->get_config_data( ) %>" />
<%-- <thtmlb:fileUpload id = "imgUpl" --%>
<%-- onUpload = "upload" /> --%>
<thtmlb:tray design = "PLAIN"
height = "100%"
id = "de"
title = "Now Answer the below question" >
<thtmlb:grid cellSpacing = "1"
columnSize = "3"
height = "100%"
rowSize = "7"
width = "100%" >
<thtmlb:label id = "question"
text = '<%= controller->gv_question %>'
labelType = "MEDIUM" />
<thtmlb:radioButtonGroup id="Radio" >
<thtmlb:gridCell colSpan = "1"
columnIndex = "1"
horizontalAlignment = "center"
rowIndex = "2" >
<thtmlb:radioButton id = "R1"
text = " A "
onClick = "radio1" />
<thtmlb:image src = "<%= controller->gv_url1 %>"
width = "175"
height = "175" />
<thtmlb:gridCell colSpan = "1"
columnIndex = "2"
horizontalAlignment = "center"
rowIndex = "2" >
<thtmlb:radioButton id = "R2"
text = " B "
onClick = "radio2" />
<thtmlb:image src = "<%= controller->gv_url2 %>"
width = "175"
height = "175" />
<thtmlb:gridCell colSpan = "1"
columnIndex = "1"
horizontalAlignment = "center"
rowIndex = "4" >
<thtmlb:radioButton id = "R3"
text = " C "
onClick = "radio3" />
<thtmlb:image src = "<%= controller->gv_url3 %>"
width = "175"
height = "175" />
<thtmlb:gridCell colSpan = "1"
columnIndex = "2"
horizontalAlignment = "center"
rowIndex = "4" >
<thtmlb:radioButton id = "R4"
text = " D "
onClick = "radio4" />
<thtmlb:image src = "<%= controller->gv_url4 %>"
width = "175"
height = "175" />
<thtmlb:gridCell colSpan = "1"
columnIndex = "1"
horizontalAlignment = "right"
rowIndex = "7" >
<thtmlb:button id = "submit"
onClick = "submit"
text = "SUBMIT" />

So instead of creating multiple views only one view could handle multiple questions and images that would change dynamically with each answer.

The idea of fun ended up creating a fun game for each one to enjoy. 🙂

Please send your comments on improving or any queries related to it.
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