This blog highlights how to create a new iFlow using SAP HCI for integrating product material through asynchronous web service.
Product Replication from SAP ERP to SAP Cloud for Customer using pass through asynchronous web service via HCI.
· Eclipse with HCI plug-ins
· C4C Tenant ID and access to HCI
Step 1: Download WSDL from SAP Cloud for Customer
- Go to Administrator work center -> Communication Arrangements.
- Select the Communication Arrangement you want to use. In this example we are going to use Communication Arrangement “Product Replication with Sales Data from External System”.
- Click Download WSDL to save the .wsdl file on the local drive.
Step 2: Create an SAP HCI Integration project and iFlow in Eclipse
- Open Eclipse
- Click on Window->Open Perspective->Other->Integration Designer.
- In the Integration Designer perspective click on “File->New->Project”.
- In the New Project popup choose “Integration Project”. Click Next.
- In the New Integration Project screen type a Project Name. e.g. com.custom.scenarios.erp2cod.product.load
- Choose Project Type as “Integration Flow”. Click Next.
- Specify the integration flow name. e.g. erp2cod_product_load.
- Choose “Point to Point Channel” pattern to create an integration flow.
- Click Finish.
Step 3: Import the WSDL into the Eclipse Project
- In the Integration Designer perspective, Go to the “Project Explorer” tab and import the WSDL saved previously on your local desktop by selecting the folder src.main.resources.wsdl. Right click and select Import.
- Select File System and click on Next.
- Enter the path from where the WSDL needs to be imported and click Finish.
Step 4: Configure the Basic Authentication
- Configure Basic authentication as authentication method by doing the following:
a. Select the tab “Deployed Artifacts”.
c. Click Deploy and Choose “Basic Authentication“ from Deploy Artifacts pop up.
d. Click Next.
e. For C4C User you will need the C4C login details. The C4C login can be found in the Product inbound communication arrangement. Select View All and Technical data. Copy the user ID from the communication arrangement and update the password.
f. Click Finish.
g. Ensure you see your credentials in Deployed Artifacts. You will need to refresh before you can see your credentials.
Step 5: Configure the Sender and Receiver Channels
- In the Integration Designer perspective open erp2cod_product_load.iflw iFlow by clicking on the .iflw file in the *.integrationflow package of the project.
- Select the sender system i.e. ERP in the graphical editor and switch the radio button to “Basic Authentication”.
- Double click the Sender Channel SOAP for ERP and go to Adapter Specific tab.
- Specify an Externalized Parameter in the Address for the relative endpoint address on which HCI listens to the incoming request from. Type a parameter name within double curly braces e.g. {{ERP_Address}}.
- Optional: Specify an Externalized Parameter in the URL to WSDL for the WS provider endpoint. Type a parameter name within double curly braces e.g. {{ERP_soapWsdlURL}}.
6. Double click the Receiver Channel SOAP for COD and go to Adapter Specific tab.
7. Specify an Externalized Parameter in the Address for the target URL of COD web service i.e. type a parameter name within double curly braces e.g. {{COD_Address}}.
8. Switch to check box “Connect using Basic Authorization” and enter the Credential name based on the Basic Authorization Artifact deployed earlier e.g.

Step 6: Maintain Runtime/Externalized Parameters
- Double click on the iFlow.
- Go to “Externalized Parameters”.
- For COD_Address, Copy the soap address location from downloaed WSDL.
- For ERP_address, Provide a relative endpoint address e.g. /erp/sap/ProductReplicationOut.
- For ERP_soapWsdlURL, Provide the URL in the format wsdl/<interfacename>.wsdl
- Once you have update the externalized paratmers you need to save in the externalized parameters view.
Step 7: Adjust the Outbound WSDL
- Double click on ReplicationOfProductsRequestOut.wsdl under src.main.resources.wsdl.
- Go to Design.
- Delete extra port/binding from the WSDL service.
- Rename the service, Port and the Binding by selecting each.
5. Click Save.
Step 8: Deploy the iFlow in to HCI
- Double click on the iFlow and in the right side choose Model Configuration.
- Right click and Select Deploy Integration Content.
- Pop up screen shows Integration project deployment is triggered.
- Click on the Console tab and check that the project deployment is successful with 0 failures.
- Check the deployed Integration Flow under “Component Status View” shows Runtime Status as started.
6. Double click the VM Node Go to Properties, Choose Services and copy the service URL of the deployed Integration Flow for later use.
Step 9: Testing the service using SOAP UI
- Use the Service URL from HCI for generating a project in the SOAP UI. Append the URL with “?wsdl” to fetch the Initial WSDL. Select checkbox Create Requests.
2. Provide your HCI Username and Password.
3. Project is generated in the SOAP UI and sample SOAP request “Request1” is created.
4. Check the properties of sample SOAP request “Request1”. Choose the Authentication type as Preemptive and Maintain the Username and Password for HCI.
5. Replace the values in the sample XML of the SOAP Request “Request1” with the proper data and execute the SOAP request “Request1”.
6. Message is sent successfully to HCI. Check the Raw message shows HTTP/1.1. 202 Accepted.
7. Go to Message Monitoring in Eclipse to check that message is received successfully.
8. Login into C4C and choose work space Administration. Click on Web Service Message Monitoring and check that an Incoming message is received successfully. 
9. Go to C4C, work center Products to view the replicated product.
Note: In actual scenario Web Service consumer can be created in ERP in SE80 to consume the HCI webservice. Refer the link on how to consume a web service in ABAP: Consuming a Web Service
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