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Alerts are information messages that can be displayed to agents in the Context Area of the Interaction Centre. Alerts are used to guide agents during the interaction with the customer by directing their attention to items that required attention

An alert can display text, variables and can be configured to navigate automatically to certain screen in CRM Interaction Center. In this case, the alert would be displayed as a hyperlink

The following steps give instructions about how to configure and trigger new alerts

Step 1- Define Alert Theme

Alert Themes are a great feature that allows to control the format of the alert text (font style: normal, italic, bold; color and icons to display). Those could be configured under IMG >Customer Relationship Management > Interaction Center WebClient > Additional Functions > Define Themes for Alerts.

You could get creative here and create new themes based on the permitted combinations

System allows the assignment of the following font color.

Step 2- Define custom data collector class

Custom attributes can be used to insert information in the alert messages or to trigger the alert based on certain conditions.

Create your own ABAP class by implementing the interface ”CL_CRM_SMF_ABSTRACT_SERVICE”, with method “IF_CRM_SMF_SERVICE~EXECUTE”.

In this method you must export the result using “set_fb_attr_by_id".


DATA:lo_bdc         TYPE REF TO if_crm_ui_data_context,

CALL METHOD me->set_fb_attr_by_id
value = lv_text.

Example of code structure:

For example, the following code will read the business partner authorization group of the confirmed business partner:

Step 3- Define new attributes

New custom classes must be added under IMG -> Customer Relationship Management -> Interaction Center WebClient-> Additional Functions ->Intent-Driven Interactions -> Service Manager -> Define Services.

Here you must define new services of type “Fact Gathering” and assign the custom data collector class. Services defines as “Fact Gathering” are responsible for locating and retrieving data and storing that data in the FactBase.

Those services must be made available in the repository  for ICRULE “Intent Driven Interaction (IC WebClient)”: this will allow to use it in the Ruler Modeler as well as in the Alert Editor. Creates entries under IMG -> Customer Relationship Management -> Interaction Center WebClient-> Additional Functions ->Intent-Driven Interactions -> Define Repository

Finally the “Intent-Driven Interaction Profiles” assigned to your Interaction Center Business Role  must call a “Service Manager Profiles” where your new attribute is included (IMG -> Customer Relationship Management -> Interaction Center WebClient-> Additional Functions ->Intent-Driven Interactions -> Define Service Manager Profiles)

Step 4: Include Attributes in the Alert Editor

After defining new attributes and including those in the service manager profile, you can add those variables by selecting “Fact Base” in the Alert Editor “Attributes”.

Step 5: Define New Alerts

You can define new alerts by using Business Role IC_MANAGER - IC Manager, and navigating to Process Modelling > Alerts

A new alert consists in the text message as well as the navigation hyperlink, custom system variables and/or specific theme.

Step 6- Trigger Alerts

Alerts are triggered using the Ruler Modeler. The ruler modeler contains the rules, conditions and actions and controls the sequence of alert displayed in the screen.

You can define Rules using Business Role IC_MANAGER - IC Manager and navigating to Process Modelling > Rule Policies

After assigning the business role to your Rule Policy, under Rule Policy Details, system will display the attributes assigned to the “Intent-Driven Interaction Profiles” assigned to your Business Role.

You can include new custom conditions in the rule by defining new attributes (following step 2 and 3).

The system offers standard conditions that can be included in the rule, such as:

  • Business transaction: process types
  • Business transaction: statuses
  • Customer's number
  • Current Event

Please notice that all rules in the context Intent-Driven Interaction must begin with the condition "Current Event" in order to work. Additionally, the alert order is based on the ruler modeler. First Rule in the hierarchy is the last rule to be displayed in the screen (independent of the alert ID or Rule ID). You can, if necessary move the order by using the arrows in the screen

Finally, don’t forget to release your rules. On assignment block Policy select More > Release Draft Rules to activate the rules that you have just defined.

Step 7- Transport Alerts

Use transaction CRMD_IC_TRANS_ALERT to create custom transport for your Interaction Center Alerts.

Select your alerts and press Table View > Transport

Step 8- Transport Rules:

Use program “CRM_RULE_TRANS” to create transport of copy of your Rule Policy

In summary, to trigger new alerts you must configure Alerts, Intent-Driven Services and Repository and finally the Rule Policy (conditions in the Rule Modeler).

For more information about "Interaction Center Alerts", check the SAP Help Portal and the Best Practice for CRM Interaction Center (C78).

The following SAP Notes could be useful:

1941638 - IC alert Messages appear truncated in webui

1833781 - Duplicate Alert Seen On CRM WEB UI

2067835 - Logging Rule Evaluation for Event Driven Interactions

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