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In this blog, I would like to touch upon customizing object used to download customizing setup from ECC to CRM, related to Condition Master Data. I would also like to mention, most commonly faced issues/errors/mistakes during customizing download from ECC to CRM.

This may not include complete list of errors that may occur during customizing download of Condition Master !!! Also, solution might vary from one business scenario to another. So, please evaluate the situation before applying the solution mentioned here, which is mainly based upon my experience in this area.Also, some of SAP Notes mentioned here may look old but still they are of much relevance.

All objects (Customizing or Master Data), related to condition master, can be found using transaction R3AC5, in CRM.

Object DNL_CUST_CNDALL, can be used to download all the customizing related to condition master data from ECC to CRM, irrespective of usages like PR (Pricing), LI (Listings), PD (Product Determination), FG (Free Goods) etc. You can also find usage specific customizing object in this transaction. But, it is recommended to download total customizing, using object DNL_CUST_CNDALL. This object is responsible for downloading condition table structures, access sequences, condition types, pricing procedures etc. from ECC to CRM.

Please note that standard customizing object DNL_CUST_CNDALL, is responsible for downloading customizing data from ECC to CRM, from both client specific and client independent tables. Do not get confused this, with object DNL_CUST_CND, which downloads data from only client specific tables, from ECC to CRM. Tables which are client independent are delivered as 'Inactive' in this object DNL_CUST_CND. Also, do not try to download object DNL_CUST_CND, by changing inactive objects to active, which might generate inconsistencies!!!

To know which tables are cross-client and which is client specific, then SAP Note: 484073 - Customizing download of cross-client tables, can be referred.

After performing a customizing download of object DNL_CUST_CNDALL, you can refer transaction SLG1 with below details, to check for any possible errors occured during customizing download in CRM:



From/To (Date/Time): <Date Range - Start of Download till Download Completed>

If you face any issues or discrepancies in condition master customzing in CRM, even after performing download of condition customizing object, logs are the first place to be checked, as described above.

SAP Note: 314542 - Messages in application log of condition exchange, can be referred here for some of possible errors.

Below are few important points/scenarios, to keep in mind/refer, with respect condition master data customizing or download from ECC to CRM:

  • Never change any settings in standard delivered customizing object, which might cause inconsistencies.

         Refer, SAP Note: 696564 - Initial deletion of condition customizing table’s doesn't work.

  • It is required to open the client for cross-client customizing, during download of customizing object DNL_CUST_CNDALL, to complete successfully.

         SAP Note: 969087 - Downloading cross-client Customizing objects, can be referred here.

  • It is always recommended to create a separate download object for each A table (or a condition table of any usage). So one download object per table. Also, make sure that a table is associated to only one download object.

  • Manual execution of report /SAPCND/RV12N001 is not needed after performing a customizing download from CRM 4.0 onwards. This report would be run automatically, during the customizing download. This report can be used to generate/delete a condition table in case of any inconsistency.

         SAP Note: 398078 - Customizing download and report /SAPCND/RV12N001,

         647151 - Report /SAPCND/RV12N001: Generation of condition tables, can be referred here.

  • There is no delta download for customizing changes, from R/3. For any customizing changes done in R/3, it is required to trigger an initial load of customizing object DNL_CUST_CNDALL, to sync the changes to CRM.

  • You want to define a condition table having standard field VKBUR (Sales Office) as one of its key field. Since there is no standard mapping for this field, table generation will not be successful.

         SAP Note: 674538 - Copying conditions for sales office VKBUR into CRM,

         can be referred here to know the additional steps required.

  • You want to create a new table in R/3 with a standard field, which is not supported in CRM or with a new Z* field and then want to download this table to CRM using customizing download.

         SAP Note: 514952 - Download of customer-specific tables,

         335202 - Product hierarchy and condition interchange,

         1070997 - Condition download:Parameter BAdI CND_MAP_CNV_FIELD, can be referred.

  • Also, make sure to generate the field catalogue using Transaction: /SAPCND/CTFC, after adding the fields and also make sure that Internal working set structure /1CN/WORKING_SET_I_D_CRM contains newly added fields. Any possible error messages during field catalogue generation, can be seen using transaction SLG1 with Object = COND_TECHNIQUE and Sub object = FIELD_CATALOGUE.
  • Also, note that CRM communication structure CND_MAPT_ACS_REM_CUST, has enhancement category as 'Can be enhanced(character-like)'. This means that only C,N,D and T data types are supported for newly added fields. Data types like QUAN or CURR etc. are not supported.

  • Customer specific condition table was already downloaded to CRM earlier. But now, you have further enhanced the table in R/3 say adding/removing a new/existing field etc. And you are trying to bring down the modified version of table to CRM using customizing download. But table generation fails in CRM saying ‘Process BDocs first’.

       SAP Note: 423096 - Field catalog condition technique;incorrect messaging BDocs, can be referred.

  • Also note that, while generating the field catalogue, there is a check on table T000 to check if the current system is Demo (D) or Live (P). If the current system is not either D or P, then the generation check is not done. But if current system is D or P, then generation check is done to check if there are any unprocessed BDocs and raises errors when found. This check happens via BAdI: /SAPCND/GENERATOR.

  • If you are using a constant within an access sequence and if you observe some unexpected pricing result in CRM, then refer

         SAP Note: 726798 - Problems with constants in access seq. (/SAPCND/T682Z-QUDIW).

  • You want to have your own logic defined for field conversion from R/3 to CRM. Refer,

         SAP Note: 534350 - Implementing BADI for Fields used during condition exchange.

  • You want to use standard R/3 field KUNAG, within a condition table but field mapping do not exist in CRM and R/3 field KUNNR has been already mapped to sold-to-party field in CRM.

        SAP Note: 501567- Transferring conditions for sold-to party KUNAG to CRM, can be referred here.

  • You want to use standard R/3 field MATKL, within a condition table but field mapping do not exist in CRM.

         SAP Note: 441083 - Transferring conditions for material group MATKL to CRM, can be referred here.

  • If you are planning to do an upgrade or post-upgrade if you face any issues, then

        SAP Note: 683678 - System setting does not allow changes to Z objects,

        SAP Note: 1081025- Additional info for XPRA CND_XPRA_COND_OBJ_UPDATE can be referred.

  • Costs (R/3 condition type VPRS) are not supported in the CRM order.

        SAP Note: 653046- Costs in CRM-pricing vs. R/3, can be referred to find a work around solution.

Below are some of the scenarios/issues you may face, during condition customizing download, with possible solutions:

ScenarioMessage DescriptionMessage Id/No:Possible Solution

You are trying to add a new condition table in CRM, for a combination of Application, Usage,

Condition Type XXXX,(Account Type, Product Level) using customizing in transaction SPRO.

There are tables for condition type XXXX but they cannot be maintained./SAPCND/MAINTENANCE027

Check table MNTCNT in R/3 and make sure that table maintenance is in CRM for that Application, Usage, Condition Type.

For any customizing changes in R/3, make sure you re-download object DNL_CUST_CNDALL.

A particular condition type XXXX, is not visible under Conditions tab of transaction COMMPR01 or under Prices assignment block, in CRM Web UI.

Maintain condition type XXXX under maintenance group = PRODUCTCRM using below customizing path:

SPRO --> IMG --> CRM-->  Master Data -->  Conditions and Condition Technique -->   Condition Technique Basics -->Create Maintenance Group

Also, note that condition table should contain product field so that you can view it in transaction COMMPR01, provided valid condition record exist.

Customizing download is not successful.

Condition table, Access sequence or anything

related to customizing changes have not been

downloaded to CRM, even after downloading

customizing object DNL_CUST_CNDALL.

It is not possible to change client-independent Customizing Objects.

In order to download customizing object DNL_CUST_CNDALL, client should be open for customizing changes. This can be done using transaction SCC4. Choose 'Changes allowed to Repository and Cross-client Customizing'.

Refer SAP Note: 969087 - Downloading cross-client Customizing objects.

When trying to activate a condition table manually using report /SAPCND/RV12N001 or even after performing a customizing download, table is not activated in CRM for condition table containing standard field VKBUR (Sales Office) as a key field.

Refer SAP Note: 674538  Copying conditions for sales office VKBUR into CRM.
There are error messages in transaction SLG1,after performing a customizing download of object DNL_CUST_CNDALL, saying:

Error converting field FIELD_TIMESTAMP into /SAPCND/T685 for condition type XXXX.

Double entry for table PRCC_COND_CT.



Refer SAP Note: 314588 - Errors during correction of /SAPCND/T685-FIELD_TIMESTAMP.
One possible scenario for this error could be, say for Condition Type XXXX, table /SAPCND/T685 has field DATA_ORIGIN as 'A' which is correct for integrated scenario.
But for this Condition Type XXXX, table /SAPCND/T685T and PRCC_COND_CT
has DATA_ORIGIN as 'B', which is not correct.
To correct this you can  write a small report to change the DATA_ORIGIN field from table PRCC_COND_CT and /SAPCND/T685T to 'A' so that download process will update the condition type successfully.
Please find the sample code below in order to modify the table entry of PRCC_COND_CT for Condition Type XXXX.

DATA: wa_cond type PRCC_COND_CT,

* To modify PRCC_COND_CT table
select single * from PRCC_COND_CT into wa_cond where kappl = 'CRM' and kschl = 'XXXX'.
if sy-subrc = 0 and wa_cond-data_origin = 'B'.
wa_cond-data_origin = 'A'.
update PRCC_COND_CT from wa_cond.

You need to perform the same operation for table /SAPCND/T685T as well for Condition Type XXXX using a Z* report.

Once this is done, please perform the download of object DNL_CUST_PRC
and make sure that Access Date gets replicated correctly now.

In customizing you observe that, access field within a particular access for an access sequence, is not mapped to IPC communication structure CRMT_ACS_H_SEL. Hence Source Structure, Source Field is displayed as blank.

Make sure that field mapping for that access field, exists in CRM.

Also, ensure that R/3 table T682Z has correct value for field ZIFNA/QUFNA, for which field mapping exists in CRM.


You have many accesses within access sequence with Access Type = A.

During customizing download you observe this message in logs, saying:

The Access Type A is not Available.SAP Note:1600482 - Hierarchical access functionality, can be referred here.
Error message in logs saying:Field XXXXXX of table is not referenced in access CRM PR XYZ.

Table would be one of the access within access sequence XYZ in R/3.

Now XXXXXX would be key field in this table but missing in these access sequences, as access field.

Customizing download stops with error message in logs saying:"The access type A is not available (access seq. ..., access ..., field ..."CND_MAP 209

SAP Note: 1697350 - Customizing downloads stops due to access type 'A'  OR

SAP Note:  1674760 - Analysis of access sequences using access type A, can be referred  here.

You want to influence the behaviour of customizing download or want to have customer specific logic in CRM, to be applied during customizing download.


Even after performing customizing download, CRM table /SAPCND/T681M is empty.

Check the LOGSYS value maintained in R/3 table MNTCNT and compare it with CRM table T00.

If you face any such issues mentioned earlier, while performing condition customizing download, then its always better to apply the proposed solution, first in Test/Development/Quality system before applying the changes to productive client.

In my next blog, I will try to touch upon Condition Master Data download and upload as well.

Hope you find this blog useful :smile:

Your suggestions, feedback, comments on this blog are most welcome.

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