The purpose of this document is to give some insights on the regular issues which encounters during claims settlement.
The Trade Claims can be processed from a variety of sources (Invoices, Deductions etc). Once the status of the Claim is set to ‘Approved’, the items which are available in the claim are copied as the settlement due list items. Based on the settlement due list items only the settlement will be performed and the settlement data will be transferred to accounting.
Accounting Document needs to generated and transferred to ECC (for the claimed amount) then only we can say the claim was correctly processed.
The Claims settlements will be struck in the system with error and will not be transferred to accounting due to the below possible reasons
Posting Period Issue:
The posting period issue might arise when the claim cancellation not happened correctly (or) when the ECC posting period is closed.
To monitor these kind of posting period issues from SAP GUI we can use transaction /n/bea/crmb12
Click on Enter
Click on Execute
Settlement 70000XXX struck in system
Click on Error
From UI these errors can be seen from Settlement screen also
Claims --> Settlements (search with settlement: 70000XXX)
For Posting Period Issue Resolution:
We need to cancel the claim settlement and process the claim manually
For Claim Cancellation
Go to Claims-->Settlements-->Select settlement and click on cancellation, click on Yes.
For Processing the Claim Settlement manually
Go to Claims-->Settlement Due List Items-->Give claim ID and search with max hits ex:99999
Select Individual Settlement-->continue-->click on $settlement hyperlink, change value date to current/system date, click on back, click on save/continue. Then the settlement will be processed and accounting document will get posted to ECC.
Incorrect Payee Issue:
If an incorrect payee added (ex: account added instead of payee) in this scenario also claim will be struck in the system and these kind of issues can be monitored using transaction /n/bea/crmb04
Click on Execute
For Incorrect Payee Issue Resolution:
Since the claim is in Approved status and it won’t allow us to change the payee, we need to Reject/Cancel the claim and create a new claim with correct payee.
Also, on a regular basis by monitoring the transaction /n/bea/crmb04 we can check the error logs and process the incomplete due list items accordingly.
The claims will be in the partially settled status due to the below possible reasons
Budget Consumption:
When the Budget consumption exceeded the limit i.e, when the claimed amount is more than the available budget the claims will be in Partially Settled status and the amount will not get transferred to Accounting.
For Budget Consumption Issue Resolution:
We need to increase the fund budget (Go to Funds Management-->Funds, Go to required Fund and add the budget) and then reprocess the claims.
Max Hits:
When we are running the claims periodically (example: daily through background job) or manually from UI - sometimes if the volume of claims are more, some of the claims will be in the partially settled status.
While settling the claims using program /1BEA/R_CRMB_DL_PROCESS as periodic job we can give below variant settings (Maximum Number of Entries: 999999,999)
While settling the claims from UI
Go to Claims-->Settlement Due List Items
For Max Hits Issue Resolution:
By default we will get the Max Hits as ‘100’ we need to increase the limit (ex: 99999) so that all the line items will get processed.