System Used: SAP Trade Management standard integration with BI-IP and ECC
Purpose: The purpose of the document is to provide insights on changing Product Validity (Start Date) after the Product being already added in the Plan.
In Customer Business Planning when a product is added in the PPH the validity will get updated in the Assortments screen. For example, if a product is added on 01-Apr-2020 till 31-Dec-2044 the product validity dates in the assortments will be displayed as ex: 01-Apr-2020 to 31-Dec-2044. Also, the BW combinations for the Plan and Product will be generated from 01-Apr-2020 only, the combinations from 01-Jan-2020 till 31-Mar-2020 are not available.
Since the start date is 01-Apr-2020 we are not getting the actualized shipment data from ECC to CRM and BW systems for the past period i.e. from 01-Jan-2020 till 31-Mar-2020. To resolve this issue, we need to change the Product validity i.e. we need to generate combinations for the missing period (Ex: 01-Jan-2020 to 31-Mar-2020).
Before Screenshot:

Example Product: 12345- B Test Product 2 has Validity: 01.04.2020 to 31.12.2044
Before performing the activity, we need to have the text file with the below required details
Customer – Account Hierarchy Node Id
Shop – Shop Format (Details can be obtained from the Responsibility Area)
Product Id – Product Id for which the validity needs to be changed
Ex: 12345-B
Note: Date From and Date To needs to be filled with missing period start date and end Date.
Date From – Required From Date of the Product
Ex: 01-Jan-2020
Date To – Required To Date of the Product
Ex: 31-Mar-2020
I – Internal
PFB example file details/format

The below are the Steps for changing the Product Validity:
1.Go to Transaction: /n/JBPC/ASRT_UPD

2. Click on Enter

3. Click on F4 help, Select the text file from our desktop

4. Click on ‘Execute’

5. We can check the Success Message in logs

6. Check the Assortments for Product (Ex: 12345-B) in the Plan, the validity/dates got changed i.e. start date has been updated to 01-Jan-2020