Cloud for Customer had lacked a feature to send out communication messages to the users within the application, for e.g. the communication regarding the downtime, maintenance schedule and many other scenarios.
The same feature was available in SAP ERP for several years, so the expectation from several customers who uses SAP products to have one.
This feature was not available before 1905 upgrade, and now it is available in C4C, it is under the title Broadcast Messages, I shall explain below how to set up this feature and use it.
Scoping: Built-in Services and Support - System Management - Broadcast Messages
Work center : Add BROADCASTMESSAGES_WCVIEW work center view to a role
After these are completed, you have a page(Broadcast Messages) to configure messages under Administrator.
Use + sign to create a message
You can maintain the text in the language you want under Message tab
In recipients tab, you can configure the users you want to send the message to. It can be for all the users or based on business roles and org units.
This message will appear as a popup when an user logs in C4C and in PDI(Cloud Application Studio), if he is already inside C4C then it will appear after his next logical step.
As you can see in the information message in the above screenshot, it is displaying the message ID too and in the future, hopefully it will be removed and SAP provides us an option to embed a video or a link into these messages