You could have a scenario where the services (service order, service contract) are managed and billed in CRM and the only thing you want to do is the integration with FI skipping the CO integration (Yes, you can do it without integrating the service to ERP and without generating any Internal Order in ERP, I guess If I needed the whole flow I wouldn't have so much trouble with documentation GAPS, but that would make the scenario unnecessarily complex)
If you configure the CRM Billing as the SAP best practices indicate once you transfer the billing document to ERP you will have the following error:
"IAOM 028 Object not known in CO" (Which is a pain). If you have done your homework probably you already have found the following
KBA 994326 - IAOM 028 Object not known in CO which give you a "clear" instructions on what to do to avoid the CO integration (the following block is a copy paste of the KBA):
- Billing document - you have to delete the CO reference in the Billing document. To do this, implement the BAdI BILL_ACC_IF Method DETERMINE_GLACCOUNT. Here you have to clear the value in the field EXT_OBJECT_ID of the changing structure C_GL_ACCOUNT.
- Service order - There would be two ways to fix this. It's recommend to let the contracts to be distributed to R/3 and keep the "no controlling" setting as you don't want any cost to be posted in CO.
Well, that's pretty innacurate:
- The method ENRICH_ACC_DOCUMENT of the BADI BILL_ACC_IF doesn't have a changing structure called C_GL_ACCOUNT
- Clearing the value in the field EXT_OBJECT_ID is not enough for our scenario
What we need to do is on the method ENRICH_ACC_DOCUMENT of the BADI BILL_ACC loop at changing table CT_ACC_ACGL09 and for each row delete the content of the fields EXT_OBJECT_ID and BUS_SCENARIO (Which should be CRM_SERVICE if you are 100% on the scenario that I'm describing)
Once you got that, you should not have any major problem to integrate CRM Billing with ERP FI. And I guess now you are wondering "How did this handsome, clever and nice guy knews that? Is this solution safe?" Yes it's safe (we implemented it in production without issues), and how I knew which keys I had to press...well, I believe I will lose all the mystical aura that I just created...but, the true is the true... I complained about the note to SAP support, they gave me the answer but they didn't update the KBA. As it took me long time until I got to the right person (who solved the problem) I thought It would be nice if somebody saved me that part, so I hope you find this blog usefull :smile:
PD: This literature helped me to understand how the integration worked, didn't solved my problem, but I least gave me some ideas:
Understand the integration of CRM Service functionality with Controlling
CRM Service - ERP Controlling Integration (At the bottom of the Blog there are some usefull Notes & KBAs)
Notes & KBAs:
687291 - Log for account assignment administration (documentation)
977948 - Billing data transfer and message IAOM 028 or IAOM 029