We have a standard signature process in Sales Order in C4C but customers sometimes need to own signature on custom Adobe Form. We know signatures are kept in the standard attachment table. So, I will show you first “How can we Add Image from Attachment table to Adobe Form ?” then I will show you "How can we add signatures to custom Adobe Form ".
First, we need to create Custom Adobe Form;
- Create Custom Business Object
Creating custom BO with Attachment node and Fill action
- Create Adobe Form (Print Form)
We need to create Form Template group to use while creating embedded component
Then, select the required fields and if we want to use Attachment node and its contents, we need to select like below.
Select Attachment node for use signatures and attachments
In the end finish the Create Print Form wizard.
- Edit Adobe Form
Adobe Form has many objects in its library. But we use “Subform”, ”Table”, “Image Field” and “Text Field” in this case.
- More than one Image Attachment binding
Table Row Data Binding: $.[BOName].Attachment.DocumentList[*]
We need to change column type to “Image Field” for Images.
Field Data Binding: $.FileContent.BinaryObject
- Single Image Attachment or Signature Attachment binding
Field Data Binding: $.[BOName].Attachment.DocumentList[*].FileContent.BinaryObject
- Create Embeded Component for preview
The embedded component is used to add the BO and PDF I we made to the standard. For this, the following steps are followed.
- Create Inport & Inport Event Handler
Created AutoFire event and binding OnFire
Event is reading own BO and if BO has not this object, event is creating this object for us in below
First operation in condition
Second operation in condition
- Outport Process
- Add boolen field in datamodel and find template group code
find .fthd file for your PDF in SDK
- Create outport and bind
- Create preview event handler
- Create Modal Dialog
Make a sure Lazy Load is false
- Data Filling in Action
- Basic Attachment(Image) Code
Below code is copying attachments, from Standard attachment tab(in Service Request) to your custom BO attachment node. This code is working in show basic image process.
- Signature Code
If we want showing signature in Sales Order, code must change. In Standard Process, signatures type codes are “10088” & “10087”, so we cannot copy this type of code. We must change type codes to “10001” and copy to own custom BO.
- Result For Signature
In this blog we created new business object and used for creating new adobe form. This adobe form used to image and signatures in standard attachment table. Also I tried to explain to creating form embeded component and some processes. I hope I was able to explain and you are satisfied.
If you have any questions, please ask me in the comments section or my personel account,If you have any further questions feel free to ask about the topic in our
SAP Community . I am waiting your feedbacks or thoughts. Please, share your opinion
Best Regards,
Batuhan Aydemir