2022 Mar 07 6:27 AM - edited 2022 Mar 07 6:28 AM
Hello everyone,
Here's the definition for "Hobby" from Miriam-Webster's site:
In this post I would like to focus on the second definition 🙂
When the kids were younger I had less time for hobbies but in the last few years they became more independent and that freed more time for me to do things that I like. Also, in the last few years we all had more time at home and it was essential to keep everyone in the family busy so the time stuck together went by nicely:).
My hobbies include:
Cooking- I've been cooking since I was little. Recently I was into making dreams come true where I made my childhood's favourite snacks that you would buy in a store such as chips (also sweet potato) , Bisli (spicy fried pasta snack) and also other finger food such as Falafel, Hummus, Pita bread, Sushi and more. You can check out the pictures and other great stuff that people made in this very popular and tasty thread.
Carpentry- I was fortunate to take a carpentry course recently where we made unique shelves. I also bought my own tools so I have the flexibility to create more things at home. I love working with recycled wood which turns things that were doomed to be in the garbage to things that make my kids happy.
Sports- Sports really makes feel better and calmer. I love the most a long walk on the beach but also my 6 KM outdoor run once in every two days also makes me very happy.
Poetry- Sometimes in the right mood I love to write to have a souvenir of a special moment or feeling. When I was younger I wrote a daily diary and it was really good for the soul.
Dancing- I love closing my eyes when in a festival or a party, concentrate on the music.
Well, these are (also) my hobbies? What are yours? What makes you happy? Feel free to share in a reply just the name of the hobby, a picture, a couple of lines or even tips for first steps for other community members interested in it.
2022 Mar 07 2:08 PM
You can see my talent show entry here: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/10/04/crochet-everyday-sap-community-talent-show-entry/
My Roseanne afghan
This afghan was patterned after the crochet afghan on the TV Show "Roseanne"
2022 Mar 08 7:48 AM
Amazing! Looks very similar to the original.
How long did it take you complete it/TV episodes:)?
My mom made my children such blankets when they were born.
2022 Mar 08 7:53 AM
What would you recommend those interested in starting to crochet? Any recommended sites for beginners?
2022 Mar 08 1:16 PM
2022 Mar 08 12:50 PM
2022 Mar 09 2:17 PM - edited 2022 Mar 10 2:38 PM
Tammy - Since your talent show entry, you've inspired me to put more effort into my crocheting hobby!! Here is a little raccoon I made for a friend whose birthday is coming up. She loves raccoons 🙂 This was my first time attempted the amigurumi method of crocheting.
Now, I'm attempting my first afghan!
2022 Mar 10 12:20 PM
2022 Mar 10 2:08 PM
2022 Mar 10 2:39 PM
I'm so impressed and that you did this by hand 🙂
2022 Mar 10 2:47 PM
Go Allie!
Related to raccoons, have you seen this? https://nypost.com/2022/03/05/nyc-raccoon-tried-to-invade-kitchen-through-light-fixture/
I shared it with @jerryjanda since he is a fan of horror films. This would be my personal horror film/nightmare. I did think of this article a few times before going to sleep this past week.
2022 Mar 10 2:59 PM
@TammyPowlas @allietrzaska Maybe combine the two into a horror film where Allie's raccoon comes to life and sneaks into people's houses. I wouldn't advise that her friend watch though. 🙂
2022 Mar 10 3:03 PM
Why must dangerous animals look so cute! that video is crazy. Looks like we need to pitch a raccoon horror film to someone... 😃
2022 May 25 9:08 PM
Beautiful Tammy.
2022 Mar 07 3:15 PM
A hobby of mine is seeing new places, often on foot 🙂 This picture was taken after hiking to the top of Hunter mountain in Vermont. Hunter is far north in VT and near Burlington, also the home of the University of Vermont. As you can see the view is breathtaking.
Hunter Mountain Vermont
2022 Mar 08 7:51 AM
Wow. Breathtaking indeed. I was in the New Hampshire and Vermont area 4 years ago and I really enjoyed it.Can't wait to visit it again.
2022 Mar 10 2:10 PM
It's beautiful! I notice this is how it looks in Austria, too ... you wouldn't see any difference, I swear!😎
2022 Mar 10 3:25 PM
Wow - we only really have hills here in Ireland, compared to your mountains and spectacular views. I too love hill walks and coastal walks - and sometimes like to take some nice snaps of the scenery along the way. I've always loved walking - I find it very relaxing. Another hobby I only took up during the Covid lockdowns is rock painting and pebble art - also very calming.
2022 Mar 10 3:28 PM
Beautiful. I've never been and it is on top of my list!
2022 Mar 10 3:31 PM
Well if you ever come to Galway, Diamond Hill is a lovely walk I can show you in Connemara 😉
2022 Mar 07 10:21 PM
As I've mentioned before, I'm a fiber artist in my (not so) copious spare time. I spin yarn, knit, weave, teach others how to weave, make various forms of lace, and make dorset and zwirnknopf buttons, quilt, sew, embroider, etc.
This is the first part of a large blackwork sampler called "Save the Stitches":
And this is an in-progress photo of small tapestry I've been working on for the Prism weave-a-long from Mirrix looms. I call it "A River Runs Through the Prism":
2022 Mar 08 7:54 AM
Beautiful. Art at its best.
How do you keep the desired pattern/design? Do you use a printed image on the back?
2022 Mar 08 2:30 PM
2022 Mar 09 10:36 AM
I've been doing power lifting for a few years now as a hobby, and last year during covid boredom I started doing digital painting and drawing. Here is my most recent work, which is still a work in progress:
2022 Mar 09 10:44 AM
2022 Mar 09 10:50 AM
Since I'm only doing it as a hobby and I don't have a lot of time for it, I use a free software called Krita with a small Wacom pallet that you have to attach to your monitor (some really cheap things just to try it out :p). I don't have any art background, I just look at tips from my favourite artists on YouTube and go from there. However some of my friends do have an art background and they give me advice and critique on my works, which helps a lot.
2022 Mar 09 10:57 AM
Great tips. Thanks a lot. I'll look it up. When I was sixteen I had my try with designing psychedelic T-shirts and it was fun:)
2022 Mar 09 11:20 AM
Yeah it's a lot of fun and I already tried it, it works perfectly fine as long as you set the dpi of an image to at least 300 and use a t-shirt printing company that has high quality material for shirts.
2022 Mar 11 8:16 PM
I'm tame. My favorite is going outside, finding the perfect spot with my dogs and reading a book.. I'm glad to have a Kindle with over 7000 books. I believe I've only read about half of them.
I used to be more interesting - riding and competing with horses. Those were some crazy days.
2022 Mar 13 1:32 PM
Reading books is not being boring at all:). I wish I had more patience to read more books, but when I do I really enjoy it. Especially in a small, boutique Coffee shop with a nice cup of Coffee in a rainy day.
Speaking of horses, I live in the desert, I suddenly saw yesterday seven beautiful horses riding freely. It was mesmerizing and felt like a movie. The horse races sounds very interesting. How does the training process goes? I'm sure it involves both the skill of the horses and the rider.
2022 Mar 21 7:20 AM
I have hobby of keeping natural aquarium. (Father Fish system).
Below is his youtube channel where all the information is available
It's very relaxing to watch the fishes in the natural system.
For the below two natural Father Fish aquarium minimal maintenance is required.
2022 Mar 21 7:27 AM - edited 2022 Mar 21 7:28 AM
2022 Mar 21 8:39 AM - edited 2022 Mar 21 9:48 AM
Q: How did you get exposed to this?
My hobby started in 1982 when I was 9years old by catching few guppy and keeping them in beer bottle 😂, all died
Then in 1986 my father gifted me 10 gallon aquarium with some fishes like molly and goldfish, again they died
In 2017 again I tried and again all the fishes died.
Then I came across walsted method where Father Fish has enhanced it by his own experience of 70 years.
This is how I got exposed to natural aquarium
Q: How frequently is it recommended to change the water?
I only top up the water since there is evaporation.
But if water changes are required then only 10% of water is changed otherwise no water changes
Q: How do you select the fish in your aquarium?
Any tropical fishes of your choice can be selected.
Q: Are there specific rules?
Rule1 : 1 inch of mud, cover this mud with 2-3 inches of sand and plant heavily, add few fishes
Rule 2: Do not feed your aquarium at all, it will feed itself
and there few more which can be checked in Father Fish youtube channel.
2022 Mar 21 12:11 PM
2022 May 12 11:10 PM
I also do a little carpentry, but here I'll share a bit about movies, which hopefully we'll also talk about with the SAP Champions in our next informal get-together. First, I've had a Netflix account for years, back to when they had their own online community (which was closed down because running that site needed moderators, didn't scale, etc.). I rated movies I rented. Then I decided to rate movies I'd seen in the past. I've got a spreadsheet of my scoring from a few years back after someone posted a script to download the content, somewhere. I did find an early HTML file snagged after I rated the first dozen or so. That was 2006.
Their UX had changed a lot since then, though the page title remains:
That's 2,545 ratings, a few days ago; I ranked a few more since.
The related "hobby" is taking pictures of the nearby Bengies Drive-In Theatre, which boasts having the largest screen in the United States. Here is a recent bill:
And, "CUT!"
2022 May 16 6:29 AM
2022 May 17 8:57 PM
No, that is not how I would interpret that screenshot from my initial ratings attempt. I had rated 17 movies so far, and that one was not yet rated. I cannot tell now how that list was sorted.
I did rate the movie in 2006...
What was my favorite movie in 2006?
source: https://jspath55.blogspot.com/2010/03/lists-of-movies-that-played-at-bengies.html
For 1997, I don't have a list handy.
2022 May 18 7:45 PM
This is cool Jim. I'm looking forward to hearing more. Devil Wears Prada is one of my personal favorites. I especially enjoy a good comedy like Meet the Fockers. 🙂
2022 May 18 8:40 PM
Ah, well, I have that one as 3 stars.
I'm more "This Is Spinal Tap!" humor.
2022 May 25 7:03 PM
I built a toy box for my sibling's child, who now has children of their own. The design was sturdy!