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SAP Universal ID - helpful for SAP Community ?

Active Contributor

I heard of SAP Universal ID ( recently.
One of my immediate thoughts was this:

Will this solve the long term problem of SapCommunity that people would either:
- rather create a P-User then using their S-User (although S-User is more comfortable with "SAP passport"-SSO)
- Use their S-user and then loose access to their account if e.g. the company changes owner or people change their employer?

That would be nice!



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First post, then search, right?! 😉 

It seems some of this might already be answered:

-> I'll dive into that (or ask in the comments there)! 😉 

Active Contributor

I'm posting on the forum with my P-user and this is associated with a universal ID which also links to my company S-user. Basically, I select P or S depending on what I want to do and then I have to enter one single password.

Active Contributor

Yes, it's coming and it's great 🙂 Consolidating all your content into the Universal ID will do away with that issue, you write about, Joachim. So even if you lose access to the S-user, you still control the Universal ID and all the content.

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Is there a  date for it.. so let's say I lose my S-User now, can I still access my content... don't think that is here right now.. just as Jim mentioned.. Community is included in a way.. but more to not logon into the account itself.. but if you lose it,,, you lose the content..


correct me, if you know it. Would love to be not right on that topic 😉


I don't believe you will be able to access the content, if it hasn't yet been consolidated into your Universal ID. The post Joachim links to, which is from May 2021, mentions "later this year", but as far as I know, there has been no news about it yet.


Thanks morten for the answer, as I'm a first day UID user the fact, that it is linked is not the problem.

As you mention, I also never got an update, that it will work at the moment..

just want to make sure I do not miss any hot news on that topic 🙂

Active Contributor


  I was an early adopter/tester and have gotten over the original hesitation I had.

  My notes from earlier in 2021: universality is worth having for community continuity 

  In my case, this capability came too late to allow me to control years and years of my own posts here on the SAP community, as that material was locked to an S account. It's all my thoughts and ideas, with minimal corporate overlording. Now I can only refer to my former self-publications as an association.

  The main benefit is a streamlined login, once you get used to it. The primary drawback, as I understand it, is the UID only works on sites under the domain. Even if this is not quite correct, not every platform under the SAP mega umbrella might be integrated.

  I expect the UID works fine with what we used to call SAP notes (and before that OSS notes; and before that sapserv4?)

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Hm, kind of lost track of this space - it's realy strange, that this now coffee corner is not part of SAPCommunity (like not integrated, as in: I don't get notifications there ). 
Anyway, I created my Universal ID to, and so far it is OK. 
I also did some profile-linken in SAP-Community (this seems to not happen automatically), so now I habe a total of 4 SapCommunity-accounts linked to each other (1. S-User, los Access; 2. P-User, created intentionally and linked to 1. when I still had access (that one also has blogging rigths, I think) 3. another P-User create un-intentionally . 4 My current S-User ) .   
Kind of complicated, but I can handle it! 🙂

Active Contributor

You know what: SAP Universal ID seems to make things worse, at least in some aspect:

A key benefit of using your S-user for SAP Community was the certificate login with SAP Passport SSO:
-> just a click or an enter keystroke and your logged in.

Now with having that S-user assigen to my SAP Universal ID it's like this:

1. Things seem fine, I can logon alright, with the SAP Passport.
2. But wenn I click on "Manage my Account" im interrupted with a Universal ID  pop up and can't continue until I provide my password (the one to the Universal ID) .

I won't do it right away, but I am tempted to pullt that S-User out of Universal ID again!

Active Contributor

I use Keepass so entering a password isn't an issue for me. I've found the universal account to be great - it's much easier to switch between my S and P accounts. Although I used Edge for my S and Chrome for my P mostly.

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One benefit is that you can log in as one and vote a post up (or down), or like a blog etc. And then log in as the other and do it again!

Oops. I haven't tested if I can like etc. my own posts!