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Recipe cards globalization

Active Contributor

I recently posted about my efforts to capture multiple languages/character sets in a personal recipe file. Now that I'm preparing to print (or produce PDFs) of the recipes, it occurred to me that the sizes in my region are "Imperial", so there are 3 by 5 inch card file boxes, and there are 4 by 6 in forms. While using one app, the built-in options included neither of these, so I picked "A6" as the closest available.

Just curious if anyone collects paper recipes, and if so, what are their dimensions?

On the flip side, these cards are similar if not identical in size to post cards. I have some I bought in Germany (2 sizes) and they are not 3x5 or 4x6 inches, as expected. The larger is 11.5 x 16.5 cm by my measurement. Is that typical globally?

Lastly, it might be cool to share recipes the old-fashioned way, using snail mail. Any interest in a pen pal of the palate? We'd need to take it offline for privacy reasons I'm sure.


I can't share the main image as it is copyrighted, though in the intervening years this fountain and the "legitimate theatre" (LOL) are both demolished.