2023 Feb 21 1:17 PM
Is great to start the day with a special treat! I want to share something about the culture where I was raised. Will you have a Fasnacht today???🍩
Fastnacht Day 2023 is Tuesday, February 21st. This food holiday is also known as Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, or Shrove Tuesday, which is why the delicious treats are often referred to as "Mardi Gras donuts".
I grew up in Lancaster County, PA, USA -- Pennsylvania Dutch Country! "Fastnacht Day is an annual Pennsylvania Dutch celebration that falls on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. The word translates to "Fasting Night" or “Almost Night” in English. The tradition is to eat the very best foods, which are part of the German tradition, and much of them, before the Lenten fast."
2023 Feb 21 1:29 PM
Care to share? That looks delicious. I also want to try, some day, Amish pumpkin whoopie pies https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/11331/pumpkin-whoopie-pies/ - because for sure I would like those!
It's also my nephew's 21st birthday today.
Have a great Fasnacht day..
2023 Feb 21 2:11 PM
Happy 21st to your birthday to your nephew! This is quite a milestone.
PS at the Amish Market by my house they sell red velvet whoopie pies! YUM!!
2023 Feb 21 4:38 PM
Looks yummy! Enjoy. Happy Fasnacht day!
We call it Pancake Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday here in Ireland.
Lots of families make pancakes and the simplest toppings would include lemon juice and sugar.
We tend to go a little crazy and have pancakes with chopped nuts, Cadbury's flake chocolate, fresh cream, and bananas.
2023 Feb 21 8:00 PM
I like your version of pancakes a lot! Whenever I get to Ireland on vacation, we can enjoy pancakes together 🙂
2023 Feb 22 11:37 AM
2023 Mar 02 12:17 PM
Fasnacht day? Over here in Basel, Switzerland, we have 72 glorious hours of it. D drey scheenschte Dääg! (The three best days).
It began this year on Monday the 27th February (Basel being a nominally protestant canton celebrates a week later than everyone else), at 4am. People gather in the main square between about 2 and 3:30am. Then at about 3:50, all the lights in the city centre go out. There are heavy fines for any shop who forgets! At 4am on the dot (Morgenstraich), The Fasnacht procession begins - and continues, off an on for 72 hours.
Many of the contributions are political and satirical in nature. There are also Schnitzelbang, which are topical poems written in old Basel dialect. This year, Queen Elizabeth II featured heavily.
A schnizelbang
Notice the vast quantities of confetti. Very important. I you're not wearing an official Fasnacht badge, you'll end up wearing confetti in your clothes...!
Fasnacht ended Ändstraich this morning at 4am. (Central European Time).
Regarding Morgenstraich - the first child born in Basel after Morgenstraich is called the Faschnachtbusshi. Five years ago, that was my grandson! The papers came by and took photos and left gifts!
For this year's Fasnacht... I went skiing in Germany!