Announcing the Winner of "My Most Geeky Hobby” contest which ran in SAP Community – Coffee Corner - from Aug 7, 2024, at 3PM to Sept 4, 2024, at 3PM CET.
In the past, we’ve seen discussions from community members around travel, baking, favourite movies, whatever it is they love to do in their spare time. This triggered the idea to run a contest and for the past month we’ve asked you to share with us your geeky hobby photo and a fun title. We were so intrigued to see what the entries would look like. Who are our SAP Community members? Are they Star Wars fans? Gamers? Collectors? A big thank you to everyone who entered the contest! You haven’t disappointed with your entries and now it’s time to announce the winner - chosen by our SAP Community members with highest number of kudos at the time of content close (Sept 4th - 3pm CET)!
Winning Entry: From Monday Blues to Data Delights: My Geeky Hobby 🙂
Congratulations to @bhavinvyas !!
2nd Place Entry: Let’s Fill the Office with Action Figures!
Thank you for making us smile @Zamichiei !!
3rd Place Entry: My most geeky hobby? Teaching the powerful ABAP language !!
Thanks for entering @Sandra_Solis and congrats on coming third!
As the winner, @bhavinvyas will receive an SAP merchandise voucher worth 40 euros!
A big shout out to all the fun entries! All contest participants will be awarded the “Interesting Hobbyist” badge for your community profile in the coming days.
@DataTherapist | @mariaweber | @Punith_Oswal | @bhavinvyas | @Zamichiei | @Sandra_Solis | @P1_Marotkar | @Niladri_B_Nayak | @Ruthvik_Chowdary | @Himsidd | @KunalBansal | @GDR_ANZ | @gunveen | @ShaikAzmathulla | @MRobalinho | @BaerbelWinkler | @france_cabuenos_25
Congratulations once again to @bhavinvyas on winning this contest!
SAP Community Team
Wow, I'm thrilled to have won the 'My Most Geeky Hobby' contest! 🥳
A big thank you to everyone who supported my entry 'From Monday Blues to Data Delights: My Geeky Hobby.'
Congrats to @Zamichiei and @Sandra_Solis as well—your entries were awesome!
Looking forward to more fun and creativity in the SAP Community.
Thank you so much to the SAP Community team and to everyone who participated in the contest! It was a real pleasure to share my geeky hobby with you and to see so many creative and fun entries. I’m thrilled to have won second place with my idea of filling the office with action figures – because what better way to stay inspired at work than to be surrounded by our favorite characters!
Thanks to everyone who supported me and gave me kudos. I’m already looking forward to the next challenge!
Kudos to all who submitted their hobby and congratulations to the winners! 🎉🎉🎉