Coffee Corner Discussions
Get to know other SAP Community members during your coffee break. Join discussions on a variety of topics in a casual environment.
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About the Coffee Corner – JOIN now, it’s interesting and fun!

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello and welcome all SAP Community members! As you may already know, we decided to keep one special group for our members to have an open discussion about …. well, lots of topics!

What’s the Coffee Corner all about?

It’s a fun place where you can join or start discussions across a variety of topics - not necessarily "work" related - and get to know your fellow SAP Community members a little better. We recommend to take your next coffee break in the coffee corner!

Who can join?

Anyone – any SAP Community member is welcome here.
Click on “Join Group” to become a member of this group, and any other public group you are interested in joining.

Join Group button.png

What can I do here?

Search at the top of the group for a topic of conversation. Believe me, we have covered lots of topics so far – from travel to coffee, and from hiking to Minecraft!

  • Join an existing discussion, by leaving a comment or asking a question (use the “Reply” button). This encourages other fellow community members to get involved as well!
  • Give a kudo if you like something (click on the “thumbs up” icon).

Click on Kudo.png

  • Tag other members you know, using the “@” symbol and their username! Get them involved too.
  • Be brave and start a discussion of your own! Is there a burning topic you always wanted to ask others for their opinions on?
  • Learn how to subscribe to a piece of content, improve your rank, and more, from the help page.

Reasons to visit?

  1. Do you recognize the old proverb “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”? It means that without time away from work, a person becomes both bored and boring! The work still needs to get done, right? Take 5 minutes out of your day to converse and get to know the community and what makes the members tick!
  2. Competitions with prizes! For example, we’ve had a few photography competitions so far – these have been amazing fun with spectacular photos being shared each time. Click on "Join Group" or "Options -> Subscribe" to discover future competitions.
  3. Because it’s fun! You might just learn something about an off-topic of interest – that you didn’t know before!
  4. You can get a BADGE! My colleague @lenastodal will provide you with a badge on your reputation depending on how active and engaged you are here. Read more.

Make your mark in the community and join a discussion today! Feel free to leave a comment below!


----- Check out the SAP Champions program and meet our community leaders today! -----


Active Participant

That’s are very good reasons to visit this group.



Great @RBM! Glad to have you here - and don't forget, you can start your own discussion too.

----- Check out the SAP Champions program and meet our community leaders today! -----


The information you provided has given me a better understanding about Coffee Corner. Thank You so much!


Hi @KatherineKenneally, just get in and register to groups let see when I got my first Badge 😉
Best regards from Berlin 😉
And for all ... enjoy your Coffee 😉 

Active Participant

Thanks Katherine_k I am happy to join Coffe-corner, I am SAP EWM Functional Consultant from Noida India.  

0 Kudos

Thanks for creating this group, I am SAP Finance consultant, I am happy join here