2015 Apr 20 5:35 AM
I've done my MBA in Marketing from a Tier 2 institute and have over 2 years of experience in corporate sales. I wanted to get into SAP as it's a field of interest for me and was wondering which module to target. SAP SD is something that caught my eye, but is there anything else I can also opt for?
Also, if I get a SAP job after doing SAP SD module, will I be considered a fresher or will my experience be taken into account in my salary package?
2015 Apr 21 3:59 AM
Hi Sathya,
Its great to know that you have 2 years of experience in sales and marketing.
Off course you will get different opinion from different people as their view points are based on some key facts, thought process, their perception etc.
However I would say you should think logically for your case.
So based on the above facts about your education, experience, interest probably you can think about SAP SD. Also dont forget while learning sap, focus is mostly on business process as ultimately you will be configuring, testing and implementing respective business processes, so if we dont understand the business processes itself then learning sap would be not much of use as i am sure you dont want to brand yourself just as a configurator or testor for your lifetime.
Considering the fact of your domain experience you will be considered as experienced but would be considered only as trained resource or lateral hier instead of sap experienced hier.
Thank you very much.
Get back to me in case you need any further clarification.
Thank you.
Thanks & Regards
2015 Apr 21 3:59 AM
Hi Sathya,
Its great to know that you have 2 years of experience in sales and marketing.
Off course you will get different opinion from different people as their view points are based on some key facts, thought process, their perception etc.
However I would say you should think logically for your case.
So based on the above facts about your education, experience, interest probably you can think about SAP SD. Also dont forget while learning sap, focus is mostly on business process as ultimately you will be configuring, testing and implementing respective business processes, so if we dont understand the business processes itself then learning sap would be not much of use as i am sure you dont want to brand yourself just as a configurator or testor for your lifetime.
Considering the fact of your domain experience you will be considered as experienced but would be considered only as trained resource or lateral hier instead of sap experienced hier.
Thank you very much.
Get back to me in case you need any further clarification.
Thank you.
Thanks & Regards
2015 Apr 21 10:42 AM
Hi Sathya,
Your experience in marketing will be an advantage , when you chose SAP SD module.
As already suggested by subhasish, your skills and interests matters most.
So try to learn about the modules, and the exact work a consultant does in those modules, then you will know which one will be suitable for you.
After stdying a module or even taking certifiction, a job will not be guaranteed in SAP consultancy. You will be considered as a fresher in SAP.
there are lot of discussions and documents in the forum which will give you information in this matter. Please do a search
2015 Apr 21 2:24 PM
SD is good. If you like it then you can take it forward. Other option is CRM which is also great. For domain experience, many companies will indeed consider it while calculating your experience.
All the best!