2014 Feb 03 3:13 AM
Hi All,
I've been working as a QA analyst in the financial services industry for 2 years now ever since I graduated from college with a BBA degree in CIS and would like to switch over to SAP, but I am not able to decide which module would be the best for my background, experience and current job market. I have some basic understanding about procurement and accounting/finance from my college classes, and did a bit of research earlier and found that MM and SD (and probably PP and FI?) have a good demand in the market. I started looking over some basics about MM module couple days ago and found it quite interesting and would like to get into it. With my background/experience and interest, would MM module be the best for me? If not, what other modules would be good for me? Also, does anyone know any places that provide training or training/placement for SAP?
Many thanks
2014 Feb 03 3:35 AM
Hi Kevin,
Looking at your education degree and the work experience which you have had, I would personally suggest pursuing your career in the same/similar branch.
If you take up an SAP course/training in the same field, I guess you will have an upper hand. So I personally suggest SAP FI/CO.
Anyways, you can browse through the SAP training catalougue and see what interests you. You can go through the catalogue here:
Hope it helps.
2014 Feb 03 3:35 AM
Hi Kevin,
Looking at your education degree and the work experience which you have had, I would personally suggest pursuing your career in the same/similar branch.
If you take up an SAP course/training in the same field, I guess you will have an upper hand. So I personally suggest SAP FI/CO.
Anyways, you can browse through the SAP training catalougue and see what interests you. You can go through the catalogue here:
Hope it helps.
2014 Feb 04 12:44 AM
Hi Siddhant,
Thanks for the advice! Quick question tho...do you have any idea how the job demand is like for SAP FI/CO consultant?
2014 Feb 04 3:31 AM
Cannot predict the job demands in the market because they are directly related to the status of the economy. However, on the global circuit, most of the multinationals who have implemented SAP or are planning to implement SAP have the FI/CO module cause finances are a part of every organization, small or big.
If you have worked as a QA for the finance field, it would be a bit easier for you to understand the terms involved. However, just finance is different from finance when SAP is involved. The terminologies remaining the same, working with SAP is going to be a different experience altogether.
Any module may suit you as per your comfortability. Make a wise choice. SAP is a vast area to cover. Choose your trainer wisely as SAP training is not cheap. Anyways, you definitely would not regret getting into SAP.
All the best for your endaveour.
2014 Feb 03 5:19 AM
Its great you want to join SAP, but as you have experience in QA so i don't think that will be useful(technical side ) while Learning MM or SD modules, but as you have done research already and found your interest in the MM module, so i will say, go for it.
For training and certification please search for "Any SAP authorized institute" according to your location.
2014 Feb 04 1:08 AM
Hi Chandra,
Thanks for your reply! I am planning to get on the functional side rather than technical as my programming skill is not as good as it should be. Will I have disadvantages over others who have work experience in the logistics industry even I do the MM training and certification? If my QA experience is not suitable for MM or SD modules, what modules would be good for my QA experience and knowledge in financial services industry, and how's the demand for the module(s) you suggested? As I am new to SAP, I am trying to get as much info as I could while learning the basics myself before going for the training.
2014 Feb 04 5:06 AM
2014 Feb 05 2:49 AM
Yes QA is all about testing. I do a lot of testings for web-based applications (front-end/back-end)....
2014 Feb 05 5:14 AM
2014 Feb 07 3:08 AM
To be honest, I don't like QA at all. I've been trying to get out of QA after 1 year of working with my current company as a QA analyst, but I didn't know which field I wanted to focus on. Now I know I want to get into SAP (functional side) and focus on one of its modules. However, I am not certain if my QA experience in financial services industry (it's a file processor company for credit/debit card that I'm working for) will benefit me if I decided to select FICO.
2014 Feb 07 5:18 AM
No, i don't think so that just because you are working as a QA in some Financial industry, leaning SAP FICO will be best option for you to adopt...
So please do a small Goggleing about modules in SAP and decide which will be easy to learn and get the job..
2014 Feb 04 2:38 AM
mate, we can't say which sap module would be the best because we don't know your skills.
who knows, may be SAP HR will suit you best?
never rely on someone's suggestion, trust yourself only.
take what you want to take