2011 Oct 22 6:54 PM
Hello I am a soon to be college graduate graduating this December.
My question is with a Terp10 certification and no work experience what can I expect from the job market. Are there companies that hire college graduates with no SAP work experience? Are there any resources that help graduates find entry level SAP jobs.
2011 Oct 24 1:46 PM
Hi ,
Welcome to the World of SAP !
As a fresher there are lot of options to start the career in SAP domain . As a fresher doing a certification cum training with out any prior experience , the opportunities for getting a job will be very less. SAP is a Enterprise business software which has the Technical ( ABAP,BASIS .......) Functional (SD,PP,MM,FI,...) Techno Functional modules . Choose a very option to get started . Getting a right career is not a tough job for you , search in web , read about sap , lot of online information ,forums available . choosing a career is a brainstorming work , my suggestion drop the idea of doing certification , as you are a fresher and very difficult to get a job without any experience . Please check the links to get start . good luck
SAPEDU Twitter account http://twitter.com/sapedu
SAP Education Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/SAPEducation
Education@SAP LinkedIn group http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1856570
Want to switch to SAP consultancy
Career Switch in the SAP World
What would I do if I were a SAP newbie?
HELP@ SAP : http://help.sap.com/
Online Knowledge Products : https://websmp202.sap-ag.de/okp
Knowledge burst - Business Rule Frame work BRF : http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/bpx/education?rid=/media/uuid/50879cee-f9b5-2e10-039e-b2d6c4b10e6b
2011 Oct 24 1:46 PM
Hi ,
Welcome to the World of SAP !
As a fresher there are lot of options to start the career in SAP domain . As a fresher doing a certification cum training with out any prior experience , the opportunities for getting a job will be very less. SAP is a Enterprise business software which has the Technical ( ABAP,BASIS .......) Functional (SD,PP,MM,FI,...) Techno Functional modules . Choose a very option to get started . Getting a right career is not a tough job for you , search in web , read about sap , lot of online information ,forums available . choosing a career is a brainstorming work , my suggestion drop the idea of doing certification , as you are a fresher and very difficult to get a job without any experience . Please check the links to get start . good luck
SAPEDU Twitter account http://twitter.com/sapedu
SAP Education Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/SAPEducation
Education@SAP LinkedIn group http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1856570
Want to switch to SAP consultancy
Career Switch in the SAP World
What would I do if I were a SAP newbie?
HELP@ SAP : http://help.sap.com/
Online Knowledge Products : https://websmp202.sap-ag.de/okp
Knowledge burst - Business Rule Frame work BRF : http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/bpx/education?rid=/media/uuid/50879cee-f9b5-2e10-039e-b2d6c4b10e6b
2011 Nov 23 1:48 PM
hello hspurlock,
well i think it s quite hard to get ajob without any experiences. (...not only in the "SAP-World"...) but there is always a beginning....-so it s up to u. - gain some and do something! u can work as [SAP Freelancer|http://it.projektwerk.com/de/sap%20jobs.html], sometimes also without any specific experiences...it would be something like an internship or so..?!
so in my opininon it s not the most important thing to have years of experiences, but the will to learn and do something
have a look and u will find out...just the best to u