2009 Oct 28 6:04 AM
Hi All,
I am an ABAP consultant with 2.3 years of experiance.
Now i want to explore other areas in SAP (technical).
So please suggest me that which area will be helpful for servival & growth.
2009 Oct 28 7:31 AM
learn advacned areas like Webdynpro ABAP/JAVA , XI , MDM , Adobeform Online and Offline, Print forms...etc
There are lot of articles/blogs/wikis/elearing stuff available in SDN.
2009 Oct 29 10:23 AM
you can go for Webdynpro for ABAP, before that you have to know ABAP OOPS.
so, if you have ABAP OOPS knowledge then you can go for Web dynpro for ABAP.
other extended features like IDOC, ALE kind of stuff will also be useful.
Devender V
2009 Nov 05 10:31 AM
Hi Rahul
after ABAP...you can go for SAP XI..
Your ABAP knowledge will be of great help in XI.
2009 Nov 05 11:54 AM
Thanks for suggestion Abhijit Bolakhe ,
I am also learning XI....
Can you provide me some XI senarios other then those available in SDN....
I have tried file to file, split the file ,merge the file, file to file using bpm, rfc as ther are available in SDN....
Now i am looking for more senarios ...lil bit in depth...like using BPM,etc.
2009 Dec 07 12:19 PM