2013 May 14 5:06 AM
hi gurus,
what is the role assign to one RFC user?
the rfc user is a communication user, which role assign the user?
advance thanks for replied
2013 May 19 6:00 PM
The RFC user is an SAP user of the type Service. On this link <http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04s/helpdata/en/56/361041ebf0f06fe10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm> you can find the names and descriptions for Service user roles.
On this thread <http://scn.sap.com/thread/1553397> there's a possible answer for your question, which I quote below:
Jurjen Heeck Dec 9, 2009 3:14 PM (in response to Loknath Rao)
> Could someone re-iterate that the RFC user type = service user (that has dialog privileges enables irrespective of the original user privileges) should have SAP_ALL in the authorization profile. Is this a good practice?
No, on the contrary. This kind of users generally is left behind as it tends to be difficult to pinpoint which authorizations they actually need. I have never seen any better adice than to trace them for a while and build roles based on the trace results. Do mind that some actions occur only monthly or yearly and try to incorporate those into the traced period.
For more information, please visit:
- Creating an RFC User -
- Assigning SAP Authorizations to the RFC User -
- SAP RFC User Privileges -
Best regards,