2019 Jan 18 3:27 AM
Hi Friends
I am from India.
I worked as an ABAP developer for 21 months between 2016 and 2017.
I resigned due to a serious health problem, and it took me about a year to recover.
Now I am looking for a job. A functional consultant from my old company referred me to a job which is for ABAPers with 2 years experience. But since I am out of touch, she thinks that I might not pass the interview, and asked me to get in touch with my old colleagues to get help with attending the interview as an experienced developer.
I am not confident and very worried, since I was on the bench for several days as a fresher, and I worked on different projects each time. My basics are pretty good.
I request your help to know what would be expected of me.
What kind of questions they might ask in the interview, as I can only find Interview questions for freshers.
What kind of proficiency I should have about DDIC, Enhancements, Smart Forms, BAPIs and more advanced topics as an ABAPer with 2 years experience.
I will be very great full, if any of you can give me some pointers or tips.
Kindly help.
Thank You.
2019 Jan 18 8:33 AM
Hi David,
what do you expect us to say. It could be everything. Just think the other way around. Why not attending the interview and talking about the stuff you archived. 2 years is not that long time that you would be able to see everything ABAP do have.
I recommend you to work through the tutorials and the blogs which are here around about the improvements ABAP got the last view years. So you will be able to talk a little what CDS is, what a WebIDE can do and showcase that you are interested to learn.
What more to expect. It doesn't matter if you are a developer for 2 years or 20 years. Last but not least the important message is, that you are able to stay up to date and also willing to do so. With this message I'm pretty sure you will pass nearly every interview and it depends on the salary-talk if it's a position you want to have;-)
2019 Jan 20 6:28 AM
Thank you for the answer.
My confusion with the kind of Questions I get in this Interview compared to a fresher Interview.
With my first Interview I knew I will get basic questions, and I prepared accordingly. I got Q's like What is a Lock Object, Diff between Table type & Line type, What are the basic functions of BDC? Is Call Transaction method is Synchronous, etc...
Now I don't have a clue, as of to what kind of Questions I might get.
May I request you for an Example or a Scenario or a Code snippet.
2019 Jan 21 9:38 AM
In your post, you have not explained what are the areas you are comfortable and strong and hence, will not be able to guide properly. You should be familiar with user exits, routines and most importantly, important table names in each module.Nevertheless, the least expectation from a technical resource is debugging skill and validating routines, for any functional issues and I am not sure, how far, you are strong in these areas. Moreover, now that Fiori is a hot cake, as a technical person, you should explore on this. Definitely, interviewer ask some basic questions in this area.
2019 Jan 21 10:00 AM
Recap the work you did in your Projects and jot down the points.
Later, dvelve on those points elborately assuming if you are the interviewer what you could be asking on these points.
Then, you brush up the other topics which you had heard of during those 2 years of exp.
Be cool and confident and things will fall into place automatically.
This is not going to be last interview and World is not going to end with this.
All the best.
2019 Jan 29 1:06 PM
Thank you guys for your insights.
Is it possible for me to test my self?
Could you ask couple of Questions, which are of experianced category.
2019 Feb 03 2:46 PM