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what a mechanical engineer should opt?

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being a mechanical engineer working as a service engineer what module is best for me



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EAM aka SAP Plant Maintenance

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Hi prabirkumar

It really depends on your current experience as well as interest. Just stating a degree does not drive career paths.

I am myself a Production Engineer, though heavily into finance road in SAP.

I would recommend to look at some of the courses available on openSAP to check what is available in SAP and than decide on taking a course of action.

You might want to add a bit more details about your exp or interest in the question, so that others can guide you better.

Also add a tag related to careers, so that right people can help you.

Thanks & Regards

Sanil Bhandari

Sanil Bhandari

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It's based which industry you worked at.
if you work in Construction Industry you will use PS Module to request your service.
in Manufacturing and Maintenance you will use PM to request your service,
overall this request is named PR at SAP application and this pr mainly part of MM Module.