2013 Jul 25 6:24 PM
hi ,i just wanted to know abut tickets in sap ,and can tel me the procedure to use the tickets
2013 Aug 06 3:37 PM
Hi Dear,
There is no good reason in knowing the tickets.
If you have already worked, you should know the answer.
If you have not, you should be good enough to accept.
There is no need that everybody should know everything in this world.
All the best.
2013 Aug 06 3:57 PM
Do you think you have given sufficient details so that somebody could give you a meaningful reply?
2013 Aug 06 4:02 PM
Hi Taha,
Tickets means issue in sap projects. When you have any error at your live system, as per the teams, you need to raise a ticket and get solved by the assigned team.
Tickets won't be the same for all. as my guess you be on project. keep on working project and understand the ticketing tools and issues. you will know the all required info.
2013 Aug 06 4:43 PM
Hello Muhammad,
Ticket is not SAP terminology it's an IT terminology, and it totally dependent on organization, they define such terms. So if you are beginner in SAP, don't try to mingle things, other wise you will go under loop mode, and will be confused all the time. So Best Luck
Best Luck,
Nishan Dev