2009 Feb 23 5:09 AM
I would be sorry if this is not the proper place to get suggestion, but I hope this won't be a mistake.
I have been in the testing as a Q.T.P automation engineer. I have M.Sc (I.T) degree.
I want to know if I have learnt SAP (for the sake the testing only), would there be more opputunities than now. As I am very new to this software, any advice would be of great help to my career.
Do I need to learn SAP software. The moduels I have known are:
2. SAP (MM)
3. SAP - other modules.
I would like to know what modules are in demand?
Or, do I need to join the course "SAP testing" which focuses on how to test SAP application. It does not explain about SAP software much, rather focuses on how to test.
If this is not the proper place, please move this thread.
2009 Feb 24 5:41 PM
One of my best friends is a QTP developer/test engineer with SAP. She is currently employed but is having trouble finding other jobs. That may be a function of the economy.
In my opinion, FICO would be a good thing to know becasue it is so widespread.
Business Objects would be good because it's so new. (Also Outlooksoft.)
XI because it's eventually going to be very widespread.
Good Luck.
2009 Feb 24 11:59 PM
Thank you very much for your valuable advice, Michael Whitt.
This made me understand the market in a clear way.
Edited by: suresh vemuri on Feb 25, 2009 1:01 AM
Edited by: suresh vemuri on Feb 25, 2009 1:01 AM
2009 Feb 25 10:10 AM
> Or, do I need to join the course "SAP testing" which focuses on how to test SAP application.
I really suspects if any company or organization who own SAP ERP and have separate consultant for SAP testing. To be honest i never heard about SAP testing either.
In the continuation of your Subject what i understand about Testing in SAP is done either by Functional consultants or Functional consultant as long as the Technical issues concern. But if we talk about testing of SAP system configuration or Authorization objects then Basis consultant would come in role. I donu2019t think so Like other Technologies like Sun Java, Microsoft etc we have any specialist person who is done SAP testing. This really depends about which Module and which SAP Technology you are talking?
But as far as career concern in SAP this also depends on your prior experience. You should extend your Prior experience in continuation with drawing a line with SAP. In my opinion you should really make worth your prior competency and domain knowledge. Letu2019s say if you worked with balance sheets, charts blah blah than you may go with FI/CO if you have any manufacturing domain exp than you may proceed with MM.
But so far i think you donu2019t have any domain experience since worked as Q.T.P automation engineer. So I would suggest you to choose option 3.
> 3. SAP - other modules.
Yes, Iu2019m suggesting about Basis.
P.S. This is only a suggestion not mandatory,Again its Up to you. Also, I do know many people who switched from their prior Domain experience. But that was not self intended, rather i should say Companies forcibly intended to work you whatever they need. They wonu2019t like to be sit idle.
Other's Advice is also welcome.
All the best!