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Security Query

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello ppl,

I just joined a MNC and i am workin in SAP Security but everyone undermines me whenever i tell them i am into it not a good start up to be in security??


Former Member
0 Kudos


There may be a few things at play:

- Security is not taken seriously (SAP and non-SAP)

- Your predecessors were bad and you have been tarnished with that reputation (which can be a good opportunity)

- Historically some security administrators have been quite low skilled and this has given some bad impressions

The basics of security are quite easy - more so than most other areas in SAP.  To do it properly means you will be developing a set of skills (technical, people, business process, risk management etc) that will give you a good foundation.  The opportunity is what you make of it.  If people are dismissive then make it your objective to change their mind! What some people forget is you can have fantastic processes and technical solutions but if people can't access them correctly then all that hard work is for naught.

Good luck!


Former Member
0 Kudos


There may be a few things at play:

- Security is not taken seriously (SAP and non-SAP)

- Your predecessors were bad and you have been tarnished with that reputation (which can be a good opportunity)

- Historically some security administrators have been quite low skilled and this has given some bad impressions

The basics of security are quite easy - more so than most other areas in SAP.  To do it properly means you will be developing a set of skills (technical, people, business process, risk management etc) that will give you a good foundation.  The opportunity is what you make of it.  If people are dismissive then make it your objective to change their mind! What some people forget is you can have fantastic processes and technical solutions but if people can't access them correctly then all that hard work is for naught.

Good luck!

0 Kudos


Thanks for the reply.wat r the possible carrer growth paths in sap security?

0 Kudos

1. Get really good at SAP Security

2. Develop your tech skills and then go into multidiscplinary management

3. Risk management career

4. IT security generalist career

5. SAP/IT Audit

6. Controls specialist

7. Develop into another SAP technical and/or functional area

Those are only the direct opportunities, there are many, many more & you can use what you learn from this role to start on your journey to your desired role.

0 Kudos

Thanks Alex