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SAP trainer job

Former Member
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Hi all ,

I just want to ask one simple question :

Can a SAP Certified Application Associate - Financial Accounting with ERP 6.0 EhP6   person becomes a formal trainer without any  SAP projects implementation  experience , depending on  experience gained from being an end user for more than 10 years   ?

Thanks & regards.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Kareem

Whether you can or not would come down to if someone would be willing to hire you

If you are talking about training future consultants/functional people as to how to configure the system then I'd suggest you ask yourself whether you would want to pay good money to attend a course ran by someone who has no experience

However, being a trainer is a different skill set. If you took your industry/business knowledge with your training/certification you might be able to consider training business end users and super users or writing the training documentation for courses.

Over time, that experience could build up and allow you to shift to configuration training when you are in a better position to user practical examples to explain the content.




Active Contributor
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Hi Kareem,

As for the conditions you mentioned, it depends on the Institute who hires you.

There is no restriction on who can give the training (as far as i know);  however, even though you have certified it doesn't mean you are a SAP expert. It take years, and proyects and solving lots of problems to become an expert, and that experiencies is something you share in class. You could be a trainer working in Support and that would be ok too.

End user experience is good, but I would prefer a consultant.

A restaurant critic is not a chef, you have to be in the kitchen to be a chef.

Said that, 50% of the training is a good attitude from he trainner.

My advice would be, If you have a more experience trainer you could bring the course wiith him , and then give it by yourself.

Kind Regards

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Thanks for nice advise

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There are no eligibility criteria. You can be a trainer.

But (my personal opinion) without extensive (5 to 10 years) of work experience, you cannot excel as a SAP trainer

What would you love doing? Follow your heart...success will come if your follow your heart and your deep liking.


0 Kudos

Thanks ,

you ou give me the hope  

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Theoretically you can be a trainer. There are no hard and fast rules on having a relevant exp to be a SAP Trainer.

However, my opinion is that a 5-6 years of relevant exp will help you make an excellent trainer, who can also excel in the profession chosen.


Sanil Bhandari

Sanil Bhandari

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Hi Kareem,

This will be good challenge for testing your capability on understanding the different concepts in SAP and relating it to Industry standards.

Being a end user, you might have understood the usage of SAP in domain industries, but as a Trainer, you need to know SAP Configuration / Usage and how to relate SAP to your domain industries. Since you need to answer the queries raised by the Trainees.

I am not Certified when i did training. I did training when i had only 2 years of domain and 1 year of SAP experience in a small institute. Even though you teach them about SAP, it was bit tough to answer the queries relating SAP to Industries requirement.

Domain experience and SAP Experience is an added advantage to excel in training job.

Good Luck



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Kareem

Whether you can or not would come down to if someone would be willing to hire you

If you are talking about training future consultants/functional people as to how to configure the system then I'd suggest you ask yourself whether you would want to pay good money to attend a course ran by someone who has no experience

However, being a trainer is a different skill set. If you took your industry/business knowledge with your training/certification you might be able to consider training business end users and super users or writing the training documentation for courses.

Over time, that experience could build up and allow you to shift to configuration training when you are in a better position to user practical examples to explain the content.



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Your question has been in my mind of a couple of days...several members (including me) have ask what would be needed to become an excellent SAP functional trainer.

But there are many ways to go about working as a trainer (over time).

If you work for online institutes which charge significantly less than authorized SAP training institutes, then your end-user and certification knowledge could be sufficient...Some thing similar to Colleen's point of take the time to grow into a good trainer. This is with everything, no body is a good analyst from day one.

Be it anything, start small and keep improving. Don't worry what other say, do what you want to do and be patient and thick-skinned.


Active Contributor
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Hello Kareem,

From my personal experience, as an End User, we have to run some transactions to get the reports and have to process the entries as per our area. Over the period of time, being an experienced End user/Super-wiser/Manager etc. We start knowing business very well. However, still learn on daily basis.

In (SAP) Associate Level Certification: More focus in on theoretical knowledge, Module concept and Certification preparation.

But, when it comes to training in some unauthorized institutes they focus more on configuration/Practical. Which isn’t much taught in Certification Training. However, it depends a lot on the trainer as well.

For me, if, I choose a SD trainer in some unauthorized institute then definitely he should have real time experience. Which may be seen in social networking sites such as Linkedin etc. So that he could be able to explain the topics with real time examples. However, there are the trainers, who have learnt in previous batch and start giving training in the next batch so you may understand it that how-much he would have learnt and can deliver further.



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Good to read your post!

Real time experience - The surest way to gather these type of experience is by working. As we all would agree. But there could be other ways too...for example participating, studying replies, comments by members in SCN groups is a way to gather real time experience. It is difficult because you have not done it and therefore making it your own is difficult but spending time, re-reading the posts, practicing these in IDES etc.will make these experiences you own, for you to use them in your coaching sessions.

Many might not agree with me, it is certainly difficult but doable.