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SAP SD Fresher

0 Kudos

I done MCA degree & curently im working in a MNC in sales team. dealing with servers and printers.laptops & creating and loading and compelting a sales order in SAP. also doing shipment for the order and tracking the shipment and doing the invoice too. i have a depth knowledge in creating order and shipment and billing adn taxes..But i dont have any SAP implementation experience...i want to become a SAP SD functional consultant.currently i have a domain

experience in almost 20 months.

My clarification is,

1.Is this experience is considered as domain experience..???how many years domain exp needed to become a consultant??

2.How can i get end to end lifecycle project experience

3.wat materials need to study??? there any sample resumes provided for SAP SD fresher..... there any company providing the end to end lifecycle experience . for fresherif so please tel me..

Kinly help to resolve my Queries.




Former Member
0 Kudos

1.Is this experience is considered as domain experience..???how many years domain exp needed to become a consultant??

It depends what do you do now? If you are implementing a project it will be soon.

2.How can i get end to end lifecycle project experience

You need to be a external consultant.

3.wat materials need to study???

Basicly tasd40_1-4 there any sample resumes provided for SAP SD fresher.....

No there any company providing the end to end lifecycle experience . for fresherif so please tel me..

too many IBM accenture,etc...

0 Kudos


Would you please clarify about the name of the book. I tried googling it but I cant find.



Active Contributor
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Moved from sales forum to Career Center forum


G. Lakshmipathi

Former Member
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From your description it sounds like you have experience as an SAP end user. This is an excellent start! From here you should start reading everything you can get your hands on about SAP SD. You need to start understanding how the business processes work overall not just how to complete the individual tasks of your day to day job.

Start talking to your coworking and find out where the pain points are in your system. What isn't working or could be working better. Write up a business case as to what is wrong and what the benefit would be to fix it. Talk to your boss and offer to spearhead a project to implement the fix. This will put you in touch with the group that supports your processes and you'll be providing specifications for the fix.

Your goal is to prove to the SAP support group that you will be an asset and get transferred into that group. Once you do, often the company will pay for you to get SAP SD configuration training. After a few years in the support department plus training, then sit for your SAP SD certification exam.  While you're working in the support department, they'll be rolling out new functionality, either incremental functionality improvement or even whole system upgrades. Either way, that experience will form the basis for your next step.

To recap: a couple years as an SAP end user, a couple of years in SAP support group, SAP certification, then you're ready to start over as a junior SAP SD consultant.

I wrote up some general advice previously that you might find helpful. I warn you to be very wary of SAP certification mills that promise to get your certified and put you through mock implementation projects. It will not help you to get certified before you have hands on experience supporting the system. Mock implementations carry no weight. There are some companies that try to get freshers to work on their projects for free with flowery words and lofty promises. The general feedback from folks who have gone that route is that they have ended up suffering for years without being able to get a job in the SAP field, where if they had just taken the tried and true path they would have saved themselves money and suffering.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
