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SAP R/3 Beginner's Book

Former Member
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Can any one please suggest a good book for SAP R/3 Beginner?

Thanks in Advance!


Former Member
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[Answer| any one please suggest a good book for SAP R/3 Beginner?]



Former Member
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[Answer| any one please suggest a good book for SAP R/3 Beginner?]


0 Kudos

Dear Rob, Can I get a simpler "Answer"?

0 Kudos

Simple answer?

what Mr. Rob Provided is simple and straight.

still not find a book then type "sap R3 .. " in Google you will get plenty of books like SAP R3 hand book, you can use some key words like 'download' 'free' in Google to get the complete book

i think you didn't noticed the search box in the top right side of SDN page.really it helps a lot.

check this for

P.S: sorry if i am spoon feeding a person on Google search

0 Kudos

Dear maheshchandra, if I have to depend on the GOOGLE SEARCH RESULT! then why should I come here???....

In fact I use Google search may be more than you... but I was suggest by someone to come here for some good suggestions.

Have you read all the books which google suggest you ... !?

Basically I would like to share your experience .... but I doubt you have really read any book I have requested !!

I think you should read fist before advising others ....

I am sorry if have revealed some bitter facts !!!

0 Kudos

Finally Mr. Nitin Goyal has shared his great experience in the link given above by maheshchandra...

I wanted this kind of suggestion.... any way I am sorry if the above unnecessary discussion around Google has hurt anyone!

0 Kudos

1) then why should I come here???

check this[ rules of Engagement|] mainly 2nd point

Asking Your Question

Once you have verified that no resources are available for solving your problem, ask your question

2)Have you read all the books which google suggest you ... !?

no never, i my post i said search for good book (not study all books) i think you miss understand.

3)I doubt you have really read any book I have requested !! ?

i donno how many books you requested here in SDN and is there any text for getting a job on "how many books you read" for your Kind information, i read few books (includes SAP r3 hand book and Sap press books)

you want to know/review good book there are many sites available on net to check the review,even google also Providing check this [review on sap r3 book| ] and this [SAP r3 book|] i already provided the link in my previous reply, be cool and check it

4) you should read fist before advising others .

Great quote, where do you find it, in GOOGLE use the same talent in Finding a book

which really helps you a lot

cheers Mahesh

Former Member
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It's sufficient as of now...

Thanks to all!!!

Former Member
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most probably you don't want a book on outdated R/3 but rather one on the actual technology SAP Netweaver, or more specifically the Netweaver Web Application Server.

just my 2 cents.
