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SAP Project experience opportunities (by paying?)

Former Member
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(This mainly concerns for aspiring SAP candidates in India... )


As we all know that lack of "SAP experience" is the biggest entry barrier new SAP graduates currently face to get into this eco-system... despite having already trained from authorised, well-reputed institute + Certification etc.

I came across some companies / placement agencies (mostly around Hyderabad or Bangalore area) that give you opportunities to gain SAP experience on LIVE projects for 2-3 months. By paying ()

My question is:

  • How genuine are these offers? do they really provide good experience worth enough to put in your CV?
  • Can anyone share their experiences or refer any such company.

The fact that candidate has to "pay" to work on their projects.., makes me bit skeptic. But may be I am missing so me point, may be that's how things work. May be majority of such offers are indeed sham but that there may lie some genuine opportunities for candidates seeking to fill any skill gap and gain SAP experience this way.


best wishes,



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One of the best way (might be a difficult way) is to be the "SD consultant" for SCN SD forum.

In SCN SD forum, many issues (tickets) are created. For each and every ticket, try to give the solution (read the related theory, practice / test in IDES) or ask questions etc. to make the issue clearer.

By doing this exercise diligently for a year, your SD knowledge would grow exponentially and you would no longer be a "fresher"!


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Hi Vibhor,

Most of the cases they are not trust worthy. But, few of them really provide you the project experience. I remember there is one Institute in Navi Mumbai, who does the teaching and also provides live experience ( here live project is, they were supporting to one client so all the trainees get a chance to see how the issues will come and the resolution approach.

Its all depends on how much they are charging and the reputation of that Institute or organization.

As a last word, its better to avoid them and keep searching for a job. You may even interact with your friends, scenarios or join SCN and just watch the issues raised by people. This will give better knowledge and insight of SAP than those so called expert Institutes.

All the best.

Regards, Sai Krishna.

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Unfortunately, identifying "right" group of people, a "genuine" project is not easy!

Enjoy everyday by discovering more and more in your module of SAP!

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Hi Vibhor,

With this ERP Application, the problem is with Hen & Chicken approach, you need the experience to get a job & u need the Job to have an experience. Which resulted in lot of mushrooming institutes / companies in and around Hyderabad & Bangalore, who claim to give live exposure, they charge hefty fee in the name of live  projects, they train you, and may a times even will give fake experience certificate that sometimes kicks off as an opportunity for a high paid job. But by and large they are fake and lot of corporates have started avoiding to take the guys who have an experience certificate from these institute. But yes they are good in giving you practical knowledge, which you seldom get from authorised, well-reputed institutes + Certification.

If you want to improve your fundamentals and it suits to your pocket you can take up coaching & practice sessions with these institutes and organizations. But with a cautious note, do not indulge in fake experience / documentations. I will well appreciate if the Corporates start relying on knowledge for an entry level rather than "EXPERIENCE MUST" clause for ERP Application like SAP.

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One of the best way (might be a difficult way) is to be the "SD consultant" for SCN SD forum.

In SCN SD forum, many issues (tickets) are created. For each and every ticket, try to give the solution (read the related theory, practice / test in IDES) or ask questions etc. to make the issue clearer.

By doing this exercise diligently for a year, your SD knowledge would grow exponentially and you would no longer be a "fresher"!

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Thanks TW, this is wise tip.

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TW, It really helps!!