2012 Dec 04 6:33 PM
Hi everyone,
I am kayal living in the US. I am a PG in Chemistry. I want to switch my career to SAP ( No IT experience at all) . I am willing to put in any amount of hardwork. But the question is " which sap module will be suitable for me " ? I called up several consultancies ...but each consultancy said different things. One said HANA is in demand and functional modules are not in demand. One said ABAP is the hottest now. To be honest I am utterly confused.
I would really appreciate if anybody could genuinely guide me in this.
My questions are
1. Which training center is the best and RELIABLE in the US ?
2. Since most of the courses are offered online, are online courses really worth the money ?
3. Which SAP module is the right one for a person with non- IT background ?
4. Which SAP module is actually in demand that can be learnt by non IT professional ?
5. I contacted Cloneskills ( www.cloneskills.com) and they suggested HANA /BOBI for me. Is the Training center reliable ?
I know I am asking too information and help from the professionals here, but since there are 1000 training centers and there are 100 different sap modules I feel like I am lost in a maze. Your help and suggestion will be really vauble.
Thank you all.
2012 Dec 11 12:54 PM
Do you have any experience related to Non IT industry, If there let us know wht type of Experience.
Moreover if you need more details regarding SAP Hana, You can check the below link.
2012 Dec 11 3:18 PM
Hi Nayeem,
Thanks for your reply. I have only research and teaching experience in my field and no industry experience.
I ll surely check out the link for SAP Hana,
Thank you once again.
2012 Dec 11 3:39 PM
Based on your experince, You can start your career with SAP HANA,
Initially you may expereince to bit hard, But you can gothrough easily if you make the ground study about the module in perfect manner...
Gain some good knowledge from local training before you go for certification from SAP AG.......
So dont think toomuch... Goahead with HANA itself..... You may crack the oppurtunity easily...
All the Best!!!
2012 Dec 11 4:29 PM
Thanks Nayeem for your help.
Is that SAP training from Cloneskills worth the money and time.
2012 Dec 11 9:12 PM
Will surely go through the link and the SAP AG. Thanks a lot for your guidance
2012 Dec 13 7:28 PM
Did you decide where do you want to do SAP HANA? How much is the fee? Is that course by online or in class room?
I am curious to do SAP HANA.
2012 Dec 14 5:40 AM
Hi Raju,
I am a instrumentation engineer undergone a 200 hrs of training of SAP order fulfillment now placed in utility industry handling SAP order fulfillment module for last 19 months ,so please suggest will it be helpful to move to SAP HANA or HANAis totally a technical module for those who have technical experience .