2014 Jul 02 2:35 PM
I am looking to pursue my career in SAP.
I am B.Tech (IT) and currently working with an EPC (Engineering, procurement & Construction ) company for large Oil and gas Projects. I am having a total experience of 5.5 years.
For the first 3 years I have worked on a In-house Database Software Application by doing Database programming ( Oracle, MS ACCESS) to generate Macro Reports for the Projects along with involvement in other Project Activities .
Being a programmer I was also working on Projects as a Project Coordinator and have knowledge about the phases of Projects from start to end.
Later my company switched me completely to Project management activities , Business development, Procurement activities. From last 2 years I am no longer in touch with my programming skills.
Instead of going back in Programming Section, now I look forward in my career and want to learn SAP MM Module. As I have been a part of project execution team I have knowledge about projects various departments e.g. Material Management, Spool Management, Engineering Management, Document control.
As I am new in this field, please can you suggest me whether SAP MM is the right option for me?
Is there any other SAP module which I can Opt for ?
Please also can you suggest me the right Certified training Centre.
2014 Jul 02 3:31 PM
Hi Ashish,
Seeing your career progression and your interests, SAP MM should be a good choice. You might also be interested in SAP PS (Project Systems). If you have worked in project planning and project execution then Project Systems in my opinion would be a better choice.
I suggest you read-up a bit about SAP PS and then make up your mind. You can find documentation in help.sap.com.
2014 Jul 02 3:31 PM
Hi Ashish,
Seeing your career progression and your interests, SAP MM should be a good choice. You might also be interested in SAP PS (Project Systems). If you have worked in project planning and project execution then Project Systems in my opinion would be a better choice.
I suggest you read-up a bit about SAP PS and then make up your mind. You can find documentation in help.sap.com.
2014 Jul 03 7:11 AM
Hi P.Kishan
Thanks for the valuable suggestion.
I am exploring about PS module.
I have been a part of Project execution and Project Planning in coordination activities only. I am not a trouble-shooter in project technical & engineering issues. Will this be right for me?
PS appears to be too vast. Also does it need to have knowledge about Primavera & MS project?
Since all my planning reports were through my database.
Also career & job opportunities wise which will be better MM or PS?
Also I have been in Database Oracle programming and MIS reports? Any Module related to that?
2014 Jul 03 2:16 PM
Hi Ashish,
Yes you are right in assuming that SAP PS can be intimidating. PS covers almost the entire gamut of the core SAP Functional areas. But considering your background (I don't know exactly how much work you have done in the project planning and execution) with a little bit of dedication and hardwork, you might take to PS like a fish to water. But again, you need to take that decision based on your previous work experience and exposure. Be true to yourself and when you take that decision.
Yes, knowledge in Primavera, and MSP always helps in PS. You'll find the tools in PS a lot similar to MSP and Primavera.
SAP MM is a "crowded" market. You will just be another face in the crowd - and there are a million others who have more hands-on experience than you. So when you look at it from the job market perspective, the opportunities are few and far between.
A word of caution: Before you jump into the SAP bandwagon, it is worth researching:
- the job opportunities from friends, families and job portals(search for jobs with your profile) in your city (or preferred cities)
- pros and cons of SAP Certification (because it's a costly affair and a catch-22 situation)
- might be a good idea to not quit your current job and undergo training and subsequently attend interviews in the weekends.
2014 Jul 10 6:56 AM
Thanks Mr Kishan for such a helpful answer.
I am working in Dubai right now.
Basically I am looking for a job change. Being IT guy and working in oil and gas sector was making tough for me to switch job within oil and gas sector.
As I have worked in coordination with various department in this sector, so I was looking to opt for course which can suitably enhance my career.
Well you made it very clear in 'a word of caution' and make me realize to decide things in the right way.
Also going for the PS module which is a costly affair, why not to go for training in Planning tools such as Primavera and MS Project.
2014 Jul 11 2:34 PM
Basically I am looking for a job change. Being IT guy and working in oil and gas sector was making tough for me to switch job within oil and gas sector.
As I have worked in coordination with various department in this sector, so I was looking to opt for course which can suitably enhance my career.
I hope you are aware of https://help.sap.com/oilgas
Since you have industry experience in this field, it might be worth doing some R&D in this niche area of SAP before you take the dive, especially if you feel SAP PS is very intimidating...
2014 Jul 15 8:37 AM
Hi Ashish,
The best suitable is SAP IS-OIL and take MM module in it. As you have Oil and Gas experience it is niche skill and highly demand in market. As per my opinion if you take SAP ECC MM then it would not have 100% result for you as you have good IS-OIL background.
You can check this one SAP Oil & Gas (RLM - Remote Logistics Management) - SAP Library
and also you can take IOGW50 - Remote Logistics Management (RLM) | SAP Training and Certification Shop
training on this.
RC nGopi
2014 Sep 13 1:11 AM