2015 Feb 10 10:38 AM
How i become a sap mm consultant.Now i m working in mm module in a construction company material department.
Tell me the procedure which i follow to become the SAP MM CONSULTANT.
2015 Feb 10 11:45 AM
I imagine it is the same procedure for becoming anything in life...
You find out what it entails; figure out what you can and can't do already; learn more about those things you don't know about and apply for as many jobs as you can to get knowledge and hope you finally get an opening at the bottom to build on. You hope and pray for a little good fortune along the way.
You do most of this by researching and reading, finding information, talking to people you know and gradually going from a very high level view, down to a detailed understanding of what the process looks like and how you can make it happen. All of this is done by you and is your own responsibility. It takes a structured and organised approach. It needs guidance from those close to you such as family and friends, and maybe even existing colleagues.
One thing I'd suspect you shouldn't do, is rely on a random internet forum to explain to you how you become something. No-one here knows you, your skills or abilities; no-one knows anything about your personal situation, wants or desires. Most importantly, no-one here can (if they are honest - many will still no doubt try) give a clear and concise answer to your question - there are too many variables and unknowns. Career progression just isn't black and white enough to be defined like that.
Posting such a vague and apparently lazy question just makes no sense to me and suggests you want the answer served to you on a plate. For what it's worth, this approach is the exact opposite of what is typically required from a consultant. You need to show initiative, the ability to research and resolve, enthusiasm and drive with just enough tenacity to appear borderline psychotic. Becoming any type of SAP consultant doesn't mean you know how to instantly post all questions to SCN and maybe answer a few along the way, no matter what many of our current audience seem to think. I'd hazard that actually, that should be a latter course of action, after all other avenues have been exhausted.
Just my tuppence worth for your consideration...
2015 Feb 10 11:45 AM
I imagine it is the same procedure for becoming anything in life...
You find out what it entails; figure out what you can and can't do already; learn more about those things you don't know about and apply for as many jobs as you can to get knowledge and hope you finally get an opening at the bottom to build on. You hope and pray for a little good fortune along the way.
You do most of this by researching and reading, finding information, talking to people you know and gradually going from a very high level view, down to a detailed understanding of what the process looks like and how you can make it happen. All of this is done by you and is your own responsibility. It takes a structured and organised approach. It needs guidance from those close to you such as family and friends, and maybe even existing colleagues.
One thing I'd suspect you shouldn't do, is rely on a random internet forum to explain to you how you become something. No-one here knows you, your skills or abilities; no-one knows anything about your personal situation, wants or desires. Most importantly, no-one here can (if they are honest - many will still no doubt try) give a clear and concise answer to your question - there are too many variables and unknowns. Career progression just isn't black and white enough to be defined like that.
Posting such a vague and apparently lazy question just makes no sense to me and suggests you want the answer served to you on a plate. For what it's worth, this approach is the exact opposite of what is typically required from a consultant. You need to show initiative, the ability to research and resolve, enthusiasm and drive with just enough tenacity to appear borderline psychotic. Becoming any type of SAP consultant doesn't mean you know how to instantly post all questions to SCN and maybe answer a few along the way, no matter what many of our current audience seem to think. I'd hazard that actually, that should be a latter course of action, after all other avenues have been exhausted.
Just my tuppence worth for your consideration...