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SAP MM Career

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear All,

Few weeks back , I have completed my SAP MM course from SAP channel partner through their live project.

My present experience (15 years) in the filed of developing, implementing ERP software  for manufacturing and garment exporting company is the main reason for selecting this course. After having good domain experience in MM, I am not able to enter into this filed.

Please provide your valuable suggestion for getting into this field.

Thanks and regards



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15 years of relevant domain experience will help you a lot in the long run. Just persevere...every day will bring you closer to break into the SAP job market. Key is to not give up and keep studying the SAP training material.


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Thanks a lot for your reply.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Charlie,

Same thing with me also.  I have also about 15 years of experience in ERP platform as well as RDBMS. Recently certified SAP MM from SAP's Channel Training Partner.... Looking forward a break in SAP.

With Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

Ok, We are in the same boat.

0 Kudos

Dear Mr.Joseph,

Its really nice to hear that you have strong base in domain, i think you can make SAP MM consulting career in a better way definitely.

Since you have very good business knowledge, especially in Garments division definitely you might have worked on  all manufacturing  supply chain related activities in live.

With all those business processes keep practicing various scenarios in your SAP test system with all below scenarios so that you will feel like handling the live business scenarios in SAP MM which will be more helpful to face the further situations to start career in consulting.

Managing the Org. structure / master data ( Material & vendor)/procurement process/ GR's/Stock transfers/ sub contracting/ pricing/batch management....etc and explore the each scenario with minute level.So that you will face many issues in process towards better understanding of module.

Also try to have the good overview on integration's also so that it will gives good hold on module to face it further.

With that exercise you will make your further opportunity more fruitful.All the very best.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Mr. Rao,

I am really enlighted with your reply. Thanks a lot.

My MM course is over and I am doing my practice on saturday and sunday.

Hope I will get a better chance.



0 Kudos

Hi Charlie & Uday,

Practice daily and study more about SAP functionality and its mapping with business process. Try to approach / apply with SAP business partners in your country.



0 Kudos


15 years of domain experience is of a lot of value. Now a days companies are taking freshers and training them. They deploy them in projects under supervisions of few senior consultants. This saves cost from them. Many  of them are good pickers and deliver good. But what separates domain people from freshers is the vast experience and hold on business scenarios. I know a person who has near about 10 years of domain experience and near about 3 years of SAP experience. He recently gave interview for a position of business process owner and was selected with handsome money . There are few stuffs in SAP which people coming from domain experience and new to SAP find difficult to grasp all of a sudden. Like concepts of tables and Idocs(as per my conversation of such gentlemen). So look for wiki articles in SDN .Try those on your test systems and understand SAP.

Best of luck to you both.


0 Kudos

Thank you Vivek,

In this 15 years of Exp., I have gone through the different ares like development, implemntation and training especially for Manufacturing and Garment export companies. I know most of the business scenarios like Purchasing, Inventory, Material valuation both fifo and weighted average method, WIP, MRP, MRN, BOM, Asset depreciation, Accouning effects, Payroll processing etc..... and also have good knowledge in Oracle DBA, SQL Sever 2005, complecated SQL Queries, .Net, VB, Access 2010, Visual Foxpro, Excel VBA (Macros) etc.....

Any way my search is going on for a chance to enter in this field. Once I get a grip to climb, I will not allow me to fall.

Hope someone will give me a chance.

0 Kudos

Dear SCN members,

Greetings for the day ,

I am having 4.5 yrs experience in manufacturing industry( Still working), planning to do SAP MM ... was it right decision ???  how is the career in MM??

I am in big dilemma whether i should do SAP MM course or not.Please guide me to get out of this confusion .

And also help to find best institutes in Bangalore.

Thanks & Regards


0 Kudos


If you have a very good domain knowledge, you can opt for SAP MM. It is not necessary that you will get job immediately after finishing your MM course. You have to practice a lot.

This is the same case for me. I have completed my SAP MM and still waiting to get a chance.

Bangalore is the hot spot for SAP career.



0 Kudos

Dear Charlie

Thank you very much for your quick response towards my question .

is it worth while changing to SAP MM after 4.5 yrs of exp in manufacturing sector  ???

how is SAP  MM market now ??

are you getting  interview calls??

Thanks & Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Vidya,

Before taking a quick decision, please enquire more about your new choice. As I am concerned, I took this decision afer consulting with somany people. Changing your career is your choice. You have to learn a lot and pracice a lot in SAP MM. This is the biggest module in SAP.

Yes,  there is a good market for SAP and its products. Please note that there are other products from Oracle and Microsoft, but cost wise it  is not afordable for small companies to install these products. Thefore they give preference to SAP.

I am getting calls, but now I am concentrating on practice.

Also note that, never join on any institute that is teaching SAP courses. Some software companies (SAP Business Patners or SAP Channel Parters) giving practices in their live projects. Please find out such companies in your area and join there. After completing your course, they will give you a chane also.



0 Kudos

Hi Vidya,

SAP MM is one of the oldest modules in SAP. So you will find a lot of people in this. Now a days companies hire college freshers, trains them in SAP and deploys them in live projects. What separates you from them is the vast domain experience which you posses. Have you worked on planning part? Are you familiar with Production planning processes. If yes, I would suggest you to opt for SAP APO. But if you have worked only on procurement processes,  MM would be a better choice.


0 Kudos

Hii vivek

Thank you very much. as you said is right , there is no difference between college freshers and me as concern to SAP,

But compare to fresher  i have domain knowledge of 4.5 yrs.

I know each and every step in business process flow from customer PO to dispatch but college fresher may not be know the process.

Just i want to know how the  SAP software will helpful for my domain knowledge and passion to learn SAP

Because of that reason only planning to change my job profile.

I know SAP MM is old module but step by step i am planning to update myself to reach correct demand .

Just for start up i have chosen MM because i have more exposure in purchase so i can easily understand the concepts .

Thanks & Regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Vidya,

"Just i want to know how the  SAP software will helpful for my domain knowledge and passion to learn SAP"

This is a question, which is very difficult for a person of my experience level to answer. But let me try. You will get benefit both ways. Meaning, your domain experience can help you in adding value to the client in terms of business processes which they follow. In industry terms we say it 'value addition'. For example you may come up with certain business processes change which might benefit their day to day business or will save money for them. SAP is not only about Indian business scenarios. There are many other countries which follow their own localization process. Like few south American countries(Brazil, Mexico etc) or few European countries. This may add up to your domain experience. Business scenario differs from client to client. Its rare that two clients will have same processes. You will come to know how day to day business processes are mapped and handled in SAP. As a SAP consultant you will have to support everything.

And last but not the least, everything new learning depends on motivation, curiosity.


0 Kudos

Dear  vivek

Do you know any tutor or institute for MM in Bangalore , if yes give the details, it will be more helpful for me.

Thanks & Regards,


0 Kudos


there are many but please be aware of fake ones. There are some business partners but they charge huge. please google them. Initially, have SAP installed, look for real issues in SDN, search for WIKI articles and documents. Try to replicate them and look for possible solution. Do this for 2-3 months with discipline. By doing this, half of trng will automatically be done. Now join any institute. This will help you catch up things really fast.
