2013 Mar 20 2:12 PM
Hi ,
Iam an SAP SD consultant. I want to go in for SAP IS retail training from an authorised SAP partner. which is the one in India.
If there is no such partner in india, then which is the closest country I can do ?
2014 Jul 08 1:59 PM
You can approach to Siemens, Genovate or Delphi. All of them arrange training fro IS Retail.
Vinod Naik
2014 Jul 15 9:09 AM
Hi Pamela,
As per suggestion Vinod, you can contact those authorized training centers.
Also, you can call this certification SAP
or support@sapindiacertification.com or education.india@sap.com
or Call +91-80-4082-900.
We have lot of ways in India to acquire certification. Email or call them to check.
Good luck.
RC Gopi