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sap for civil engineers

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I am Kaustubh Kale. I am from India. I am a civil engineer with a PG in Infrastructure Business and having an experience of 15 months in Industrial Site Execution. Currently I am working as a Technical Assistant in a Construction Firm. I am planning to go for SAP-PS please assist me on following questions:-

1. Is it good for a civil engineer to go for SAP-PS?

2. I have heard that is it necessary to know SAP-BASIS or any programming language before going for SAP-PS?

3. What is the scope for PS in India and Abroad?

4. I have heard that those who are fresher in SAP couldn't a get a job even after pursuing SAP certification because the companies prefers candidates with some experience in SAP?


Kausubh Kale


Active Participant
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Hi Kale

I hope my answers help you.

1. There is no a specific profile to PS, seems to me that the knowledge about Project Management will be very helpful. So, this way, I think that have worked with engineering you have this experience.

2. No, this is no true. But because projects are always linked with costs, I recommend a little understanding about CO (SAP Module about controlling).

3. This is no about PS, but about the India regulations to accomplish a project.  Of course this depend of the project type that you are managing. Example, Construction there are many regulations, documents, audit. IT there are other regulations type, differente from projects regarding foods and medicine. This type of project must be considered to customize the PS and aggregate the necessary funcionalities.

4. It's true, the certification is not a hard requirement, but experience is often required. So, searh for a course in India, and try a test time in a Consultancy to acquire experience. Maybe could a good way to start in SAP PS>


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Thanks a lot Jarlei. Your reply was very helpful.. I'll try to get some information from the Civil engineers who recently did SAP-PS.

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Hi Kale, Could change the status to answered ? THank you .

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Kaustubh,

You can pursue the SAP certification in SAP PS.. as mentioned by Jarlei  It is more to do with Project Management and your interest in that area.. If it interests you then go for it..

As far as job scenario is concerned SAP market is good..and it holds good for SAP PS as well.. There are companies in India which takes freshers as well.. but you may  have to start with a lower salary..



Former Member
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Thanks a lot Sammar. I am very much interested in Project Management. I'll try to get some information from the Civil engineers who recently did SAP-PS and will go for the certification.