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SAP Contract jobs - INDIA

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What are the pros and cons of getting into contract jobs in INDIA ?  Is it a good decision to move from permanent job to contract job in INDIA ?




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Dear Sankaralingam,

                              In India, the contract job market works like use and throw.

Two important points I have noted :

1.) Security: Very rarely I have heard a Contracting Organization retain one guy beyond 1-2 years. Either they remove them on completion of contract/project whichever comes earlier or the Consultants themselves run away.

2.) Stability: There is absolutely no guarantee of a fixed location for you - from Kashmir to Kanyakumari you can be deployed anywhere. Compared to permanent employees reporting at base locations - Bangalore/Pune/ Noida etc., this feels very frustating.

3.) Risk:  Some companies have a strict "No-Contractees" policy. That itself would dampen your future chances too.

                             I also agree with whatever Mr. Ravi has said. Be fully informed and Best of Luck for your future.


Active Contributor
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Contracting market in India is not matured enough. I am not sure if you really find continuous contracts. I do not what could be the rates. You need to do little market research before taking any decision, otherwise, the bench period between contracts would be very nerve biting.

Usually, the markets in West are pretty matured and most of the clients are willing to go for contract due to their skills and gain the quick benefits. The contracting is always lucrative in matured countries, provided, if you are able to find continuous jobs. However, I am not sure what they are up to in India.

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

Dear Sankaralingam,

                              In India, the contract job market works like use and throw.

Two important points I have noted :

1.) Security: Very rarely I have heard a Contracting Organization retain one guy beyond 1-2 years. Either they remove them on completion of contract/project whichever comes earlier or the Consultants themselves run away.

2.) Stability: There is absolutely no guarantee of a fixed location for you - from Kashmir to Kanyakumari you can be deployed anywhere. Compared to permanent employees reporting at base locations - Bangalore/Pune/ Noida etc., this feels very frustating.

3.) Risk:  Some companies have a strict "No-Contractees" policy. That itself would dampen your future chances too.

                             I also agree with whatever Mr. Ravi has said. Be fully informed and Best of Luck for your future.