2012 May 31 12:47 AM
I am a software professional in J2EE world, want to chang my career with SAP, trying to get SAP training but no clue where to start. Any one please give me some direction.
2012 Jun 04 6:00 AM
Hi Raj,
Please give more about your background for us to guide you better.
Best Regards,
2012 Jun 04 8:05 AM
Get trained in SAP ABAP from some authorized institute.
ABAP is the language on which the SAP works.
Alok Tiwari
2012 Jun 05 7:45 PM
I think we need just a bit more about your current skillset. DBA is a buzzword that would send you down a NetWeaver System Administrator (a.k.a. Basis) path, but developer is a buzzword that would send you down a programming track. SAP utilizes a proprietary programming language called ABAP, but it also uses JAVA for a significant subset of it's functionality. Tech Team Lead indicates a more managerial skillset and the word design leans us back over towards the programming side.
What tasks/activities do you enjoy most, DBA, programming, and/or managerial?
I've gathered up a few blogs which might help:
A blog series for folks trying to learn SAP when they don't have an SAP job already
I have written a few blogs and started a few conversations which touch on this indirectly:
There are a few blogs by other authors which I also think will be very helpful for you
Hope this helps!
Best regards,