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SAP career path for B.Tech Freshers ??

Former Member
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Hi !

I have completed my B.Tech in 2013... I was very curious about SAP domain... I started researching and concluded that best way to enter in this field is to get into a SAP implemented company... I started researching for those company... I found one ; Bharat Electronics Ltd....

I started working on SAP-SD module ( end user )

now this is 2014... i have one year of experience ( which is good for nothing) .... totally baffled

Queries :

1. Should I spend lacs over training and certification ???

2. ABAP vs SD ( for me) ?

3. This one year experience will count ??

please guide !


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Abhishek

You graduated in 2013

It is now 2014

You only have ones year's experience

2014 - 2013 = 1 = 100% working since graduation?

I am baffled as to why you think it "is good for nothing"? There is a saying that Rome was not built in a day and it applies to careers. It takes time to move from fresher/junior to skills so do not get disheartened by it. Search SCN and see the stories of freshers with no job and debt still looking for SAP work 2 years on - they would jump at a chance for your job.

Are you upset because you are an end user? We all have to start somewhere and being an end users is a good way to appreciate the business process side of things and learn what the user experiences. You will be able to have hands on experience and appreciations to the frustrations users have of SAP. One day you can take that knowledge and move into Super User, Support, Project, etc and apply those lessons to provide better solutions.

The fact that you are working in SAP site and have researched puts your ahead of your peers still trying to get in the door.

Where to next, study might be helpful. Perhaps you look at your company and see if the do promote internally. If they do, talk to your management and let them know your eagerness to one day move towards the system side of SAP. If they support you, it might take time but you could build your own learning and development plan to achieve that results.

Then 1 year becomes 2 as an End User; by year 3 you might be the "go to person" and become a Super User. Suddenly, you might find yourself in an upgrade project or similar and you've made the transition.

Alternatively, you invest in your studies and afterwards go for a role. My only recommendation is to keep your current job (stay on the system) so your foot is always in the door.




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Abhishek

You graduated in 2013

It is now 2014

You only have ones year's experience

2014 - 2013 = 1 = 100% working since graduation?

I am baffled as to why you think it "is good for nothing"? There is a saying that Rome was not built in a day and it applies to careers. It takes time to move from fresher/junior to skills so do not get disheartened by it. Search SCN and see the stories of freshers with no job and debt still looking for SAP work 2 years on - they would jump at a chance for your job.

Are you upset because you are an end user? We all have to start somewhere and being an end users is a good way to appreciate the business process side of things and learn what the user experiences. You will be able to have hands on experience and appreciations to the frustrations users have of SAP. One day you can take that knowledge and move into Super User, Support, Project, etc and apply those lessons to provide better solutions.

The fact that you are working in SAP site and have researched puts your ahead of your peers still trying to get in the door.

Where to next, study might be helpful. Perhaps you look at your company and see if the do promote internally. If they do, talk to your management and let them know your eagerness to one day move towards the system side of SAP. If they support you, it might take time but you could build your own learning and development plan to achieve that results.

Then 1 year becomes 2 as an End User; by year 3 you might be the "go to person" and become a Super User. Suddenly, you might find yourself in an upgrade project or similar and you've made the transition.

Alternatively, you invest in your studies and afterwards go for a role. My only recommendation is to keep your current job (stay on the system) so your foot is always in the door.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Ms. Collen Lee !

Thanks for such a prompt reply !

But my issue is that it was a contractual job or say apprentice training kinda thing... One year is over now...

What I have learned is :

Creating pre sales documents... Like Inquiry, Quotation , Contract and orders like Sale Orders , Service orders.

And also Out Bound Delivery..

So my foremost question is :

On the basis of above mentioned experience. Should I go for sap sd training from ATOS ( which gonna cost me 3.5lacs) ?? Because I have an impression, after training, you should have atleast 2years of domain experience... Now, being a non-MBA who will entertain me in sales domain... I guess no one ...  

Please Guide ! " I know my destination but not the route "

Help me out mentors ! 

0 Kudos

Dear Mr.Abhishek Sharma,

I appriciate your interest on learning SAP & approching in right way by doing initial research more over end user role is very importent for one who want to become a Consultant.

As rightly advised by Mr.Colleen Lee you can try to continue the same domain based on your opportunity, so that you will become a expert in such business areas which is the main base to become a consultant.

Then regarding the certification : Its one of the way to learn & enter into the SAP world, its not mandatory, but difinitely certification will helps you.

My suggetion is try to continue working on same domain where you will have interaction with power users & consultants in your organisatuon & try to enhance your skills & area of expertise, when the internal requirement comes difinitely you will be recognised as a right resource as well as you can look at outside opportunituies too.

wish you all the best.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for replying !

But my problem is my job contract was of one year only i.e. Over now.

Now, I have these options :-

1. SAP SD with one year of end-user experience..

Cons :

• Have to compete purely sale domain people..

• Limited knowledge of sales.

2. SAP-ABAP with no programming experience.

3. SAP- BI with no experience.

Totally confound !

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Abhishek ,

Nice to hear that want to be in SAP domain ,   please start looking into SAP SD first , since you have some functional experience,  which help in future , once you complete the SD training .. Try to start working in SAP SD ,

Since SAP is big domain, while working you come across all other modules which you may interested to learn and pursue your career,

my suggestion would be since there is no hard and fast rule you have to do these and these modules,start with SD and move forward while working learn other module as your projects  demands,

Wish you all the best ,


Shakeel M

0 Kudos

Hi Abhishek Sharma,

Out of the four options you have i beleive that SAP SD might be the better option instead going to ABAP / BI.

Just think on that, also requesting you to read online docs & related to sd module try to understand the overview which will helps you to know about it in detail.

Based on your understadning proceed furthur.

But i beleive that  if you work in sales domain for some more time you will be knowing lot more related to Sales & distibution process as well as to enhance your skills.



Former Member
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I have one more query, which I like to disclose here... I had read that for functional consultant job... One should have atleast 2years of domain experience. What does this actually means??

• (For example SD consultant) he/she should have 2 years of experience in SAP implemented company or 2 years of experience is any non-SAP company...

My plan : Get a sales or logistic job in a manufacturing company... Which does not have SAP...

Try to learn Sales and logistic issues and its solution...

Then move on to SAP-SD training and till then, I will not be the same person 😛

Searching a job for a guy, Who's having one year of SAP-SD enduser experience and 1 year of sales and logistic domain experience, will not be tough...

Don't laugh if I sounded like over-optimistic.

Please do comment..

0 Kudos

Dear Abhishek Sharma,

Based on your query : It means that candidate should have at least some X years of exp. ( to apply for that post )  in any company in domain / business process which you have already about one year.

Because people who have domain experience will understand the SAP functionality easily That's the reason one should have the good knowledge on business process initially before thinking on SAP.

As per your plan try to find a job in similar domain related to your experience and try to enhance your skills in the all the ways. Definitely each company will have different standards / scenarios / methods / ways to handle the business where you will learn the same, also not only sales process try to understand other business functions like purchasing & manufacturing & quality how those activities are connected to your domain.

Since you are more interested to learn SD : Along with your job try to learn SAP SD module (via Online / offline/ Also in you tube / other web sites SD training manuals audio /video files available to learn easily) & read all scenarios in SAP HELP ( documents related to SD & do it in IDES system end to end adding your business knowledge in mapping all scenarios, to get confidence as well as real time knowledge to an extent. After all this ground work if you want to go for certification think on that, where really it mean for you by that time, with out all this if you want to go for certified training you may not make use of it really in that limited period of training ( this is my personnel opinion).

One more thing keep in mind :  learning a new module is a not a big deal, any one can learn it in few days & can create some transactions.

But any one want to become a Functional consultant - One should be strong enough in business process as well as good listener to collect the requirements from business clearly to look for solutions / good communications skills to handle the clients moreover SAP knowledge is a part of that similarly making documentation of process & user trainings many more activities as a part of your assignments.

Also Keep following SCN and try to learn how the solutions designed by experts.

I am sure your path will route you to your goal soon.

Don't lost the hope & don't get panic, initially these steps are common for everyone be bold,& confident and plan in a cool manner based on your available resources to make use of time effectively.

Wish you all the very best.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for such a adroit response !

I would feel grateful, if you please guide me, from where I could buy or get IDES...

Thanks a lot indeed !

0 Kudos

Hi Abhishek Sharma,

Always I will suggest you to do R&D by searching through SCN / web, to get any information related to SAP, you can get most of the information online itself.

Any how below links may helps you on that.

If still need any info. share me your mail id I will send you some info. which may helps you.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks a ton !

Mr. N.S. Rao, I am a SAP Aspirant, always strive in R&D of the same... And asking you is also the part of the R&D 🙂

I would be grateful to you, If you can share anything more useful.

<<email removed by moderator>>



Message was edited by: Colleen Lee - Do not post personal details in SCN. Share details via your account profile.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Abhishek,

First, dont lose hope.

Next, Check all the available online resoruces (websites,presentations) on SD overview.

Search on youtube about SAP SD overview. there are many videos that will help you out.

Go through SAP SCN site and read the basics available as docuements and blogs should also be helpful for learning basics.

Personally i don't feel any difference between certified and non certified courses unless you get an experienced person to guide you in the latter case.

Relate whatever you read with whatever you saw in system at job. practice on IDES.

Lastly have paitence. I am from non technical background too and still am working in SAP.

Hope these few points should help you find a way.



0 Kudos

Thanks Mr. Pratik for reply..

But where do I find IDES...?? I want to buy it... But i dnt knw from where I could find it...

Pls tell me...

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have one more query, which I like to disclose here... I had read that for functional consultant job... One should have atleast 2years of domain experience. What does this actually means??

• (For example SD consultant) he/she should have 2 years of experience in SAP implemented company or 2 years of experience is any non-SAP company...

My plan : Get a sales or logistic job in a manufacturing company... Which does not have SAP...

Try to learn Sales and logistic issues and its solution...

Then move on to SAP-SD training and till then, I will not be the same person 😛

Searching a job for a guy, Who's having one year of SAP-SD enduser experience and 1 year of sales and logistic domain experience, will not be tough...

Don't laugh if I sounded like over-optimistic.

Please do comment..

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Abhishek,

Good to see your interest in SAP domain, and yes you are in right path so please don't lose hope and quit.

I would advice you to get more knowledge on the module you prefer to work, understand the complete functionality get deep knowledge on the concepts. Try to get into small companies where they work on SAP implementations. In these kind of companies you will be getting more opportunities to learn more, do not worry about the pay at your initial stage of career. If you could get some valuable experience on the stuffs then I think certifications are not required.

And of course yes certifications/trainings also give more value to your profile, but final decision is up to you.

What ever experience that you have will surely count at some stage, its based upon you how you use the experience.

ABAP vs. SD : ABAP is a technical module and SD is a functional module. It will be good if you could learn ABAP since it will help you in understanding the functionality of different modules. if you get a chance to learn ABAP please go for it, while coding try to understand the entire functionality and then start coding. All other functional modules can be learnt eventually if you get chance to code on any particular module. later even if you have a wish to move on the functional side you will find it very easy with the functional modules but the reverse is a bit complicated.

As they say the more you work on any particular module the more you will gain knowledge.

All the best for your future

