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SAP Career- A right Choice?

Former Member
0 Kudos

My name is Abhinav Chawla, I have 7 years of experience in Sales& Marketing in logistics industry, I'm MBA in marketing and BE in computer science. After my these years of experience, there are few questions in my mind, I would appreciate if someone guides me:

1. Will it be a right career switch to SAP by doing SD module or should I do some another module?

2. What kind of salary packages or future opportunities present with this career option?

3. How much time it usually takes after certification to get a job?

4. At what salary levels I can start my career in SAP?


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi, Abhinav

1. Will it be a right career switch to SAP by doing SD module or should I do some another module?

The best start is from SD, after 1 full project can learn LE......then CRM

2. What kind of salary packages or future opportunities present with this career option?

Depends on country

3. How much time it usually takes after certification to get a job?

Depends on project, chiefs, timesheets........but you should be ready to work more than 8 hours

3. How much time it usually takes after certification to get a job?

Around 3 month by could be easier to study in SAP courses(but it is too expensive and anyway you will need to have a practice of system customization)

4. At what salary levels I can start my career in SAP?

See the second point


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi, Abhinav

1. Will it be a right career switch to SAP by doing SD module or should I do some another module?

The best start is from SD, after 1 full project can learn LE......then CRM

2. What kind of salary packages or future opportunities present with this career option?

Depends on country

3. How much time it usually takes after certification to get a job?

Depends on project, chiefs, timesheets........but you should be ready to work more than 8 hours

3. How much time it usually takes after certification to get a job?

Around 3 month by could be easier to study in SAP courses(but it is too expensive and anyway you will need to have a practice of system customization)

4. At what salary levels I can start my career in SAP?

See the second point

0 Kudos

Hi Pavel,

Apology please for my "Red" remarks but your comment on the 8 hour is very poor, forget for that "Russian scoop USSR - Back in the USSR". Each person who change any personal direction should work on part of self-development, that's right. But no one specialist which work on right project spend more then fixed rates per working day. All normal EU or US companies are smartest then way are used for people in UA or RU countries with local mother-company or affiliated, as I understand you was a part as such. And just to make cleared for this discussion, you can't put any political options of working policy that are in use around the world for self-employed people that are work in contract base. Chawla only asked about the way how can be improved Sales& Marketing in logistics industry so this depend which way wants to be used on board.

And your question more related to recruitment process than advice

0 Kudos

Hi Abhinav,

                    It's nice to know that you have already done some research and chosen SD.

                    Yes, SAP SD will be the most relevant to your career option at this point.


2.)   Coming to SAP SD future options - well I would say it's great.[ ( Since we are in the context of which is better for future and all. First take a look at SAP company growth in the market, you'll understand that the way new technologies & it's products are coming into live, I'll say SAP holds and will continue to hold/play a crucial part of the IT industry ) ].

                    Sales and distribution is the major part of any organization you take. (once your an expert in this area, I'm sure you'll find a lot of future opportunities).    

3.) Job -> I suggest it's better to be prepared first hand like where are the openings currently going on, are they taking freshers or exp. (to understand the market scenario contact few consultancy on SAP SD first). That should give you an idea and set everything in motion.

4.) Coming to your salary Abhinav, what I understand is that your thinking if you get a job as SAP SD consultant will this salary be equal to your current salary.

     Am I Right ?      If this is the case,  I can't give you a direct answer.


     But think of it this way, initially when you join as an SAP SD consultant you salary (say ' B ' ) may not be equal to your current salary (say ' A ' )  (say A > B).   But with your previous expertise you may be able to catch up with your job (in SAP SD) and may even end up drawing more here after sometime ( A =< B ) .

Good Luck Abhinav. Hope at least few doubts of your are cleared from this post.


Naren Krishna.

Former Member
0 Kudos

The best for you is:

1). Find job with your current position but where you need to work in SAP(as a user). In that case you will safe your current income and you can learn SAP.

2) In parallel you can read customization courses and try to customize some test projects (find the access to the SAP IDES(training system) you can find in the internet

3). After a year of working as a SD user and selflearning you can start to find enterans position af SAP consultant (also you can pass the SAP examination to get certification)
