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Sap as a second career

0 Kudos

Hello folks,

I’m �� big of making a career move at 45. I’ve been a senior hospitality manager for over 20 years and my experience spans in hotels restaurants bars sporting venues conference venues etc in the field of food and beverage management.

I’m thinking of quitting my career to study and restart a new career in sap.

Given my age and previous experience, should I make the move to SAP ? What module should I study? Is there anyone from hospitality who has made the switch ? Would love to hear views from one and all

Thank you



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Kedar - I recommend taking the free courses at to see which area of SAP interests you.

With a background in hospitality, maybe consider a role in SAP support, maybe within a company or a 3rd party company offering SAP Support?