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Project Manager - Skill Set

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

I would like to have your valuable opinion on this topic:

Along with regular project management skills, experience do you think it is neccessary for a Project Manager / Sr. Project Manager to also know application.

If the answer is yes - then this project manager is restricted to the application/technology he knows.

If the answer is no - then he can lead any project

( I am talking in terms of IT Software Projects )

Thanks for you valuable time.

Best Regards

Sadhu Kishore


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I am of the opinion that it is not necessary for the Project Manager or the Lead should have knowledge in all the areas but it is enough if they have the managing capabilities. In fact, the term "Manager" itself is nothing but delegating the work to subordinates and get things done in an efficient manner.

In fact, if we take an example in SAP line itself, not all Team Leads are having strong knowledge in all the modules. They would be strong only in selected modules but with the exposure and the kind of projects they handled in the past, they become a Team Lead.

Any second opinion on this ????


G. Lakshmipathi

0 Kudos

Hi Lakshmipathi,

Thanks for the reply.

There are good reasons to agree saying Proj Management capabilities are sufficient to lead projects of course with expertise in some technical area.

There also seems to be strong wind which support saying - Proj Management + that particular project's Technical Exptertise are also needed.

Let us see what our other friends feel.


Sadhu Kishore

0 Kudos

I know some project managers who don´t have any "technical" or "functional" (any means nothing one could use to earn money...) and they´re more like the salesmen, secretaries, administrators...

They cannot create plans, only check what is the day today, cannot validate or verify the project, only ask what is going on today etc. I don´t understand how these guys (and girls) can call themselves project managers... Well, at least this is my opinion and when (will come one day, I am not going to be a dev/con for the rest of my life) it comes I am not going to be like them...

Cheers Otto

Former Member
0 Kudos

Moderators - Thanks for moving it to the right forum.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
If the answer is yes - then this project manager is 
restricted to the application/technology he knows.

Yes,They should have exposure about application/technology going to work.

Check this link to know more about

[Project Manager - Skill Set|]

0 Kudos

The link is very nice, eh, I mean the text there. I have seen some PMs already and this article was really useful.

Maybe we should reference this article in some career sticky thread? What do you say, guys?

Cheers Otto